You’ve got the power. Dnnrrr da dnnnr. Dnnr da dnnr. No that’s not my son trying to blog again. That’s the beat to the incredibly catching song from the one hit wonder, 1990’s, rap group, Snap. That song actually contains the lyrics “Oh snap” and has, in my opinion the best dancing, with the hands still in the pockets, in the history of the world. What? You don’t know? Well, your butt better ask somebody…or just watch the video below…

Okay, now that we are all on the same page let’s continue. You’ve got the power and now you’ve got that song stuck in your head. You are welcome. It’s gettin’, it’s gettin’, it’s gettin’ kind of hectic. Oh snap.

Think about how your words and actions can totally make or break someone’s life. That’s power. Think about how you have been built up or destroyed by someone else’s words or actions. That’s power.

I’ve counseled multiple people who carried wounds with them for years. They were set free by the right words said at the right time. I’ve seen marriages turned around even after an affair. I’ve seen parents forgiven even though they’ve dropped the parental ball on their kids. I’ve seen God move in people’s lives because the right word or action.

If I was Jesus I would have come up with a different plan. What’s Jesus’ plan? You. No offense.

Here’s the scene, Jesus has come back from the grave. His followers think that He’s finally going to set up His kingdom and start ruling. And what does Jesus do? He peaces out. He leaves. He goes back to Heaven. But before He left He said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20 (NIV).

Okay, did you catch His plan? Jesus’ plan was that a group of followers would represent Him. His plan is that we would be the hands and feet of God. That we would change the world through His spirit. Now that’s power. Oh snap! We can change someone’s life by our words and actions.

You don’t know what your kind word will do to someone. You don’t know what your gift will do for someone. You don’t know what your prayers will do for someone. You don’t know how your blog post will impact someone. You don’t know how your refusal to let go of God despite difficult situations will encourage someone. Live for Jesus, and love people, and you watch how God changes lives. That’s power!

Jesus trusts that you will represent Him well. You’ve got the power.

What is one thing that you do that God can use to bless someone else’s life?