Your blank matters. As in your fill in the blank.

Your Tweet matters.

Your Facebook updates matter.

Your attitude matters.

Your words matter.

Your driving matters.

Your making sure that the toilet paper rolls over and down and not under and up really matters.

I’m currently reading through the Old Testament. I just finished Zechariah. The end of the chapter says, “Every pot in Jerusalem and Judah will be holy to the LORD Almighty, and all who come to sacrifice will take some of the pots and cook in them.”

Through many of the Old Testament books I’ve had to read the text notes in my Bible so I could have a fat clue what was going on. On a side note Zechariah has a ton of prophecies about Jesus. It was really fascinating to read. Now stick with me on this one…

In the text notes of my Bible it says, “Even common things become holy when they are used for God’s service.” Boom sauce.

Your common everyday blank matters when they are used for God’s service. Today view everything as a chance to give God praise. When you Tweet/FB, when you hang out with people, when you talk, when you respond to someone who has wronged you, when you talk to your spouse, when you raise your kids, when you blog and only a few people read it, when you work, when in one day you hear that the best point guard in the NBA is going to your favorite team and then a few hours later the league nixes it because of some jealous franchises,  and even when you do your chores make sure it matters.

What’s an everyday ordinary thing that you do and how can it matter for God?