Your blank matters. As in your fill in the blank.
Your Tweet matters.
Your Facebook updates matter.
Your attitude matters.
Your words matter.
Your driving matters.
Your making sure that the toilet paper rolls over and down and not under and up really matters.
I’m currently reading through the Old Testament. I just finished Zechariah. The end of the chapter says, “Every pot in Jerusalem and Judah will be holy to the LORD Almighty, and all who come to sacrifice will take some of the pots and cook in them.”
Through many of the Old Testament books I’ve had to read the text notes in my Bible so I could have a fat clue what was going on. On a side note Zechariah has a ton of prophecies about Jesus. It was really fascinating to read. Now stick with me on this one…
In the text notes of my Bible it says, “Even common things become holy when they are used for God’s service.” Boom sauce.
Your common everyday blank matters when they are used for God’s service. Today view everything as a chance to give God praise. When you Tweet/FB, when you hang out with people, when you talk, when you respond to someone who has wronged you, when you talk to your spouse, when you raise your kids, when you blog and only a few people read it, when you work, when in one day you hear that the best point guard in the NBA is going to your favorite team and then a few hours later the league nixes it because of some jealous franchises, and even when you do your chores make sure it matters.
Putting the kids to bed. By the end of the day, I’m often exhausted and ready to relax. I need to make sure I save time and energy to spend time with my kids when I put them to bed. It’s easy to say a quick prayer, give a quick kiss, and turn off their lights so I can go down and watch some TV. I need to treat this time as a holy moment – EACH night!
Jon, I need to add you to the early riser list. You posted this when my clock still started with a 5. Oh and I hear ya with the kids.
I really love your blog today, Rob. It is a gentle reminder that EVERYTHING we do counts! Thanks for all your hard work. You do a great job!
Thanks Laura! I appreciate the comment.
I fail at this, but one of the things I think about a lot —to how to glorify God in everything.
Larry, I didn’t get to comment but I’m with you with Die Hard and Christmas movies. Ho Ho Ho now I have a machine gun.
Talking to my co workers, I could seize that moment a little better. I almost said cease the moment, that would’ve sucked huh?
Ryan, I’m not sure I would have noticed the difference. I stink at grammar.
Rob, good point today. Give God glory and honor him even in the small things. I try to do this with my work. I think the point is that he has blessed me with a mind that works well in certain areas, so I should make the most of these talents.
Also, Paul and Bryant on the same team couldn’t work. Both of these guys are ball hogs and they would get into hissy fits all the time because the other wouldn’t share. Trust me, it is for the best.
Daniel, I don’t know what to think. Chris Paul is a point guard and he doesn’t typically play selfish. I think that teams need height so it doesn’t make a lot of sense to me for the Lakers to get so small. Unless they could pull off the deal to get Dwight.
Bro! I am SO with you on the toilet paper! I HATE it when people let the toilet paper roll under. When it’s time to wipe, I’m not trying to go on a zany scavenger hunt for the paper. It needs to be right there on the top waiting for me.
Kevin, word!
Amen to that!
Driving. I thank God every morning for green lights when I am late (which is most mornings) and for red lights when I need to put my lipstick on. I thank God when I see an accident that it wasn’t me or any of my family / friends and then pray for the people it DID happen to. I thank God that I make it to the gas station everytime my gas light comes on, because I do push my luck with this one. I thank God when that deer stays on the side of the road and not in front of me. And mostly, I thank God that he takes over the wheel of my car when some one tries to kill me on the road, which is most days, and keeps me from ramming my car into them to “get even”. 🙂 Happy Friday, by the way!!
Gayle, happy Friday to you! You must be lucky with the green lights. I don’t get many when I’m running late.
I wake up, and I am instantly super awesome.
Joseph, nice!
I think working to get your to-do list done… I know that sounds lame, but hear me out. God has given us roles as stewards all in different areas- to be diligent, to work for his glory. It’s not fun to think, but efficiency is important… (Oh man… and here I am in the blogosphere… time to get back to work!)
Stephen, I hear ya. It’s the every day mundane things on the too do list that can often become a drag. Even that matters.
What we see with our eyes matters. It really does!
Moe, be careful little eyes what you see.
what you say OR don’t say to a stranger…
Arny, so true. I often go about my business and forget that even a small word can make someone’s day.
Rob… I know it sounds trite but every time I do something, no matter how mundane I try to think if it would please God. I know I OFTEN ( ALWAYS ) fall short but I try to keep the Lord in the forefront of my mind and think about wheter or not my actions or words will please him. At night I always pray to God to help me live more like his Son… I am still a work in progress.
Brian, it became cheesy but WWJD is a great motto. I think that’s cool that you can do that.
It’s gotta be the dishes. I miss one day and our sink is overloaded with dirty dish after dirty dish. If I don’t do those we are quickly in a dirty kitchen overall because we have limited counter space.
Joe, we didn’t have a dishwasher while we were in seminary and it was the exact same way. Not just washing but drying as well. Sometimes I’d leave them in the drying rack to dry and then they’d pile up like something out of a cartoon.
With me, it’s my chores. I do the vacuuming, the sweeping, the dishes, the cat litter, the laundry, the dusting, the microwave, the oven, and until recently I took care of the dogs. These things really help my parents because it means that they don’t have to worry about having to leave work to only come home to more work.
Sean, that’s a great way to help your parents! Great stuff.
Sounds kind of silly, but I make sure to always like & comment on people’s facebook statuses/pictures/etc when they interest me, because if other people are anything like me, I love likes/comments on stuff that I post. It’s not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but when people feel that you care about what they post, I feel like it makes them feel thought about & appreciated! If there was a love language called “facebook notifications,” it would be mine 😉
Danielle, not silly at all. I feel the same way about blog comments.
I like what you’re cookin’ up here! Old Testament name dropping mixed with a little 21st century lingo – so delicious. Great word, Rob!
Kim, so you can smellllllllllll what the Rob is cook’n?
“Every breath you take; Every move you make; Every bond you break; Every step you take; I’ll be watching you”
I know this was written as a creepy song about a stalker, but when I listen to it with the perspective of God as the singer it takes on new meaning for me. He cares about everything I do and say because my every word or action either brings me closer to Him or takes me farther away.
Even more powerful than that is recognizing that my every word or action can also bring someone else closer to Him. I may represent the only human interaction another individual has in their day. To that end I must marshal my thoughts and actions to the glory of God for the benefit of all involved.
Randal, well said! Oh and I love that song. It’s one of my favorites.
Thanks so much for this post.
Now, no kidding, this afternoon I checked my stats on my very young blog and was feeling discouraged. 5 minutes later, I’m reading your post and the line “when you blog and only a few people read it” stuck out to me to put it mildly!
For all practical purposes, my blog journey is just starting, and I am convinced that God is in it…but thank you for the reminder that I need to do that “unto Him”…not “unto my incredible stats”.
JT, thanks for stopping by. I have been blogging for almost four years and it’s just been recently that I’ve had more than a few comments. Keep up the great work on your blog. People will come.
Great post. Making lunches. On good days, I see this as nourishing my kids, as giving them something in the middle of the day even though I’m not there. On bad days, I grumble that my husband doesn’t do this.
Sigh. I’m a work in progress.
Leanne, I’m a work in progress as well. I just got done feeding my twins, changing them, and then trying to play with them. All I wanted to do was blog. I know one day I will be sad that I didn’t take things slower so I could enjoy them even more at this stage.
I cringed when you wrote “Your Facebook update matters” thankfully you qualified that statement!
And the TP thing can lead to domestic violence so of course it matters!
Stevie, it really can. Whoever loads the TP at my church doesn’t have a fat clue about this. It drives me bonkers.
My commute to work matters.
I have to think about that one…. 🙂
Dustin, you live in ATL and the traffic there is insane. Good luck. I hope that you can make that time matter.
I’ve heard it said that some people actually prefer their toilet paper rolls to go under and up rather than over and down. Insanity, I tell ya.
I know right!
Great post, Rob. Teaching my students – taking care of making dinner and caring for my husband and new puppy 🙂
Thanks Cindy! Great to see you in the comments!
Love this post, Rob. My conversations every day can glorify God, or I can take the negative route. Thanks for the reminder that I control where those go and everything matters.
Jackalopekid, thanks for reading and for commenting. It’s so easy to go negative. I’m with ya. Let’s make our words count.
I just concentrate over my work and never do the things that i do not favor.This is the saying of Some great spirits that God is living in everyone hearts.
I like honesty in a woman, this is becoming rather hard to find these days. Just be your self, don’t pretend to be something that you are not and someone will come into your life to appreciate you for who you really are. I hope this helps.