Have you ever thought about changing your name? Sean Combs does it on a regular basis. He went from Puff Daddy, to P Diddy, to Diddy.  Facebook started out as The Facebook. Before she became “Friends” with everybody Jennifer Aniston was known as Jennifer Anastassakis. It’s not a major change, but up until high school everybody called me Robert. I didn’t plan on the change. Some friends of mine just started calling me that and it took.

In the Bible names were changed on a regular basis. Abram became Abraham.  Saul was a murderous, persecuting, Pharisee before God changed his name to Paul.  Peter was one of Jesus 12 disciples. I’m pretty sure it was Jesus who changed his name from Simon to Peter.  I have never read anything about the significance of God changing some one’s name, but it happened a lot in the Bible. I bet Judas wished that someone would have changed his name after he betrayed Jesus.

Having your name changed is like getting a fresh start. It’s a constant reminder that something major has changed. In seminary I was introduced to a lot of students from Korea.  One of the students told me that all the Korean students had both a Korean name and an English name. John was the name of choice for most the guys.

I don’t know what last week was like for you. There is a great chance that in some aspect of your life you blew it. Maybe you let someone down. Maybe you let yourself down. Maybe it’s time to change your name. I blow it on a regular basis. Thank God I’m forgiven. Maybe you are not where you thought you’d be in life. Maybe you lack direction. According to God you are chosen. No matter what your name is if you know Jesus you are Forgiven and you are Chosen. Maybe today it’s time to start living like your name is changed.

When talking about this with a couple of friends they quickly called me Kobe. I’m not sure that’s the name I’d pick, but he is the greatest basketball player in the world.