What is your favorite classic movie line? There are some great ones out there. “I’ll be back,” “Here’s Johnny,” “Yo Adriane!,” “Here’s Looking At You Kid,” and then my personal favorite “Yipee Ki Yay Mr. Falcon.”
There is something amazing about that line in the movie. John McClain has defied all odds. He should have died multiple times, but he just keeps going. He’s taken the bad guys best shots and he’s still coming. When he finally gives the classic line it’s given with an exclamation point. It’s saying I took your best shot and now I’m finished with you. It’s saying I should be done, but I kept coming. It’s saying I win.
This line is so powerful I’m tempted to name my twins Yippee Ki Yay and Mr. Falcon. There have been worst names. No offense to La-a (pronounced Ladasha) or Nosmoking (an actual name based off the no smoking sign in a hospital). I don’t think my wife will go for it, but it would be an awesome set of names. Who would mess with Yippee Ki Yay Shepherd and his or her twin Mr. Falcon?
Nobody likes going through heartache or pain. Nobody enjoys going through difficult situations. Nobody enjoys struggling. Nobody enjoys pain, but God can use difficult situations to draw people closer to Himself. Without struggle we wouldn’t have happy endings. Without pain we wouldn’t appreciate healing. Without John Mclane getting a serious beat down we wouldn’t appreciate “yipee ki yay Mr. Falcon.”
I hate pain, but I love how I feel when I overcome it. If there is a hard situation in your life hold onto God and when you get through it you will be a better person. And when you get through that pain make a declaration. That difficult situation gave you it’s best shot, but it couldn’t shake you. You may have been hit hard, but you are not done! You’re still coming! You won’t quit! You will win! Yipee Ki Yay Mr. Falcon!
Love this!!!
I would love to have been at the censor round-table discussion when they came up with that overdub. Mr. Falcon, so humorously random. Good lesson today preacher dude.
"…after all, tomorrow is another day" Scarlett in Gone With the Wind.
as far as names Brett has suggested Kobe & Lebron. This is a good lesson. Thank you.
did you see Conan last night? he referenced this while talking to a TBS representative on censorship & whats allowed on his show haha
Die Hard is one of my all time faves. Another movie quote I enjoy:
I wish I could say something classy and inspirational but that just wouldn't be our style. Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory . . . . lasts forever.
Oh, I have too many favorite quotes to name. Haha. I LOVE movie quotes. Sometimes billy and I have entire conversations that are movie quotes. It wouldn't make sense to an observer.
Jake, I didn't see it, but now I want to.