I posted this in 2009. I stumbled upon it the other day and I thought that it needed to be reposted. The following are the worst album covers of all time.  Let the hilarity begin. Oh and which one is your favorite?

Jim Post album title: I love my life.
Rob’s comment: With a mustache like that who wouldn’t.

I hope for their sake this title was an innocent mistake.
First Question: Whose idea was it to not wear shirts for this album cover?
Second Question: What is the guy in the middle looking at?

Short shorts have gone out of style for guys but the Jazz hand is never uncool.

All my friends are dead, so I decided to share my depression with the rest of the world.

This is oh so wrong.
The flowers were a nice touch. They make her look less terrorist like.

Knowing that her daughter would feel a little insecure about her nose Mom decided to make sure all the attention went to her hair.

The one armed drummer from Def Leppard has nothing on this lady.