When we were babys it was ok to have someone wipe our butt. I mean we couldn’t do it for our self. But now as adults it would be laughable to ask another adult to wipe your butt. We all know this is true when it comes to cleaning up our poo, but we forget this principle when we are dealing with the messes of our life.
- When someone is lonely. Most people don’t call, so be the bigger person and make the call. Be the friend. I know it’s hard but you are old enough to take the initiative.
- When someone asks for accountability. People have said to me, “if I just had someone to keep me accountable I wouldn’t have done x, y, or z.” Really? Yes you would have. Here’s my advice don’t hang out in places where you are tempted and call for help way before you get tempted. People will help if you ask, but very few people will check in on you. You’ve got to wipe your own butt and that means check in with other people.
- When people forget deadlines. We all make mistakes, but for this to happen on a regular basis is irresponsible. Wipe your own butt and stop expecting people to clean up after you.
- When someone doesn’t delegate. Wiping your own butt doesn’t mean you don’t need other people. It just means you have to be responsible for what you can do. Sometimes that means asking for help.
- When a Christ Follower doesn’t read the Bible or pray. Sure there are times when we all don’t feel like it, but you can’t expect someone to hold your hand and make you do it. Not spending time with God is like getting married and living in separate countries. It just doesn’t make sense if you want to be a Christ Follower.
“When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. 1 Corinthians 13:11”
O.K., this was clearly meant just for me. (Smiles). Thanks for telling it to me straight brother.
nice.. i wipe my own…smiles.
Preach it Rob!! So so true! Something we all need to hear! So funny too 🙂
Daniel, I tell this advice to myself as well. There are many areas where I forget to wipe up my own mess.
great post. Thanks for sharing. We all need to hear this from time to time. It's easy stuff to forget, but disastrous when we do!
Great idea. Not a huge fan of the metaphor… it's just not a word picture I enjoy. It all goes back to 2 broken arms for you doesn't it?
DP, that's only funny because it's not true. You on the other can keep dreaming about it.
awards 4 u,
Happy Tuesday!
nice to read you.