Why I don’t read ROBSHEP.COM.

There are a lot of adjectives tossed around to describe bloggers. Mindless, vanity-ridden, narcissistic, egotistical, wasters of time, comes to mind. But I know Rob. And he’s none of these things. So I thought I would do him the honor of explaining to him and to all of you why I choose not to read ROBSHEP.COM. He tells me that lists are popular and since I sooooooo want you all to read this I’ll make it into a TOP 7 LIST. That #’s holy you know?

  1. I’m just too darn busy surfing other very important sites on the Internet. Like Theonion.com, Superherohype.com and Bored.com to name a few.
  2. He’s bipartisan- doesn’t he know that if he wants readers he should be attacking one side of the isle or the other. Just choose one Rob. It doesn’t matter which one.
  3. Shouldn’t your tithe money go to better use?
  4. Rob’s a Lakers fan? Need I expound?
  5. He’s a mega-church pastor, and I’m a post-modern Christian, and as we all know, all post-modern Christians are suppose to hate mega-church pastors.
  6. Rob once got me in trouble by speaking at my church and using a can of beer for his illustration. That’s right people a BEER!!!! He must have missed that verse in the bible where it says that demons live in cans of beer!
  7. Somali Pirates have hijacked my computer.