“Who needs sleep? Well, you’re never gonna get it. Who needs sleep? Tell me what’s that for. Who needs sleep? No you’re never gonna get it. There’s a guy whose been awake since the Second World War.” – Bare Naked Ladies (this is a music group and not a porno).
So the first 24 hours of having twins has been intense. It’s been so for two reasons…1. Monica is doing good but she lost a lot of blood. At one point they mentioned that she would have to have a blood transfusion if things didn’t change with her. I think we are good now, but anytime the doctor gets concerned I freak. Her blood count was so low she couldn’t get an epidural. That means that those jokers came O (WORST PAIN EVER) Natural. 2. I’m not really familiar with this baby thing.
Both twins are doing good but since they were premature they went to NICU. Yesterday I went to show them off to their grandparents and I got accosted. Now since they are my kids it’s probably not accosted but I hadn’t wrapped my mind around changing a diaper for the first time and feeding. Now don’t get all crazy on me. I’ve been prepping myself to change a diaper, but I didn’t think it was going to be while they were in their incubators. I was willing to jump in I just didn’t expect it to happen like this….
On my way out of the NICU the nurse says, “hold on a second. Do you want to feed him?” Now of course I wanted to feed him, but Monica was upstairs. I didn’t want to do it without her. I tried to call but my cell phone was dead. Next thing I know I am taking Hayden’s temperature, changing his diaper (wait a minute…I got duped), and then feeding him. On a scale of Michele Duggar (19 Kids and Counting) to Kate Gosselin (John and Kate plus 8) I was was a Kate Gosselin. In other words I freaked. I surveyed his change and feeding only to be reminded by the nurse that I have a second child. What the???
Reese is really little. 3 lbs to be exact. To compare our twins difference rent the documentary “Twins.” It’s the true life story of a genetically superior baby and his twin brother. I kid I kid. Reese really is small though. It was scary enough taking care of Hayden but she’s smaller than a Cabbage Patch doll. I freaked, but I made it through.
Hayden ended up doing so good he got to stay the night in our room last night. Yay! They told us that it could be up to three weeks before Reese can come home. So for now we sleep, freak out when they need their diapers changed, try to feed them, and sleep some more. Here are some pics of their first 24 hours.
You guys are SO amazing! Your positive attitudes, strength (NO PAIN MEDS AND TWINS, MONICA!!! CRAZY SUPERWOMAN!) and trust in God has been so amazing to watch unfold the past 10-12 months since your IVF journey started! God has been so good! These two little miracles are SO adorable!! You are being GREAT parents and those kids are SO lucky to have you! 🙂 *hugs* and *prayers*
Quite an eclectic set of photos my friend, especially that one of the Iraq oil field! What an adventure so far, huh? You will be in blog heaven for a while. So awesome.
PS. BABYWISE – best book you will ever buy. I swear by it (well, other than the Bible, and not literally, lol). Both of ours were 4 weeks early and it still worked. We had them sleeping through night by 6 weeks. Girlfriends used it and same outcome 😉
I am so very happy for your entire family. Excited to meet both your children. You will get better with the diapers, thankfully the oil looking ones will go away. Monica is beautiful. Thank you for sharing the pictures.
Tears of joy to see the 4 of you together!!!! FINALLY!
Feared up looking at all the pictures!! Cannot wait to see you guys!!!
Tested up!!! Haha
LOVE LOVE LOVE every word, pic, tweet…God is GREAT!
Best documentary ever! I love how this story is unfolding. Thank you for taking the time to blog about it. Really looking forward to following more of your journey. Blessings to you all.
Great photos. Heck, great blog. Congrats to the both of you.
i'm crying for joy right now. how beautiful and wonderful. rob and monica- i am so excited for you guys, congratulations! what a glorious God to give you the sweet gift of parenthood. rob, tell monica "way to go" on birthing those TWO babies NATURAL!!!!! i am a huge natural-childbirth advocate, but it's altogether a different thing when it's twins! wow, i'm impressed, and very proud of monica! love you guys and can't wait to some day meet those beautiful babies.
Great post. You are a funny guy, Rob. Your babies are fabulous and your wife looks amazing in those photos. I love the expressions on the babies' faces – it looks like Hayden is all chilled and Reese is glaring at him with her little furrowed brow. They are so cute. Thanks for sharing these with your public. God bless.
Twins, the documentary. Nice. It is true though! She'll catch up in no time! I love you guys and couldn't be happier for you. Literally, I couldn't be happier and that is saying a lot coming from me!
You all have been on an amazing journey thus far…..and it really has only just begun! Congratulations again and thanks for sharing your beautiful family pictures with us!
Thank you SO much for sharing this experience with all of us!
I have thoroughly enjoyed this journey. I love love love the pictures. Reese is soooo teeny! Take care!
dude…a big congrats…so awesome and you will get sleep once they graduate HS>…
They are beautiful..love the family pic! Congratulations!
Congratulations to both of you! Great pictures. Tell Monica she is every woman's superhero! Great job, hope she can find time to rest and feels better soon! The babies are ADORABLE! Haden and Reese- Welcome to the world. It is apparent your parents adore you:) Enjoy!
Debbie Deyerle
So cute! (Except for the diaper change pic…. gross!)
LOVE this blog post! SOOOO happy for you all! God is so good! Very exciting to read and see the pictures! Thanks for sharing! As soon as I get rid of this cold, I am going to meet those cuties!
I love reading about your family….precious! Luv u guys!
Congratulations! I made my way here via Clay's blog.
Just a note to say I have twins. They're 6. It does get easier. But not for a while. (Since you don't know me, you likely don't realize I'm being flippant. Sort of. Maybe).
Anyway, Monica looks way better than I ever did pregnant (or having lost two placentae).
A sincere congrats, though. May the health and sleep gods be with you.
Love all the pics… the crazy black poopie… brings back memories;) LOL!!
So thankful for their safe arrival!! Monica is the WOMAN… I've delivered no epidurals (but I planned to and didn't have TWINS)!! She deserves lots of rest and cuddle time with the babies!!
So tiny… I'm glad everyone is doing well.
Here from educlaytion. I guess given the circumstances we can forgive you not toasting up Dark Knight (I tried in your absence).
Enjoy the little ones, and uh, don't expect to sleep for a couple of days/weeks/months.
Oh, and the poop changes. That first stuff is nasty. Soon it will be the "runs up the back" kind.
Enjoy every stinky, laughing, crying, snuggly moment – because before you know it they're toddlers and jumping off the tops of playground equipment…
Thanks for trying with the Dark Knight. I am doing my best to enjoy every minute. Thanks for stopping by.
Your blog is most excellent. I've been a few times via Clay's blog. He's like e-harmony minus the romantic stuff for bloggers. Thanks for stopping by.
Awesome pictures and amazing blog of course. Your doing great as a first time father!
Ha, great line Rob. Can I use that someday? Congrats again on the healthy trip to the twin store. Just remember that once you figure this all out it's like riding a bike. Of course, that's only a fitting analogy if you have twins again in the future. I'm good at blog matchmaking not advice.
Clay you can quote me on that. Love your site. Also love that new readers have found me because of you.
So I'm one of those blog 'stalkers' that only knows about you through mutual friends…Carrie and Brandon Bishop (you went to school together). They mentioned you all months ago as a prayer request in our community group. We began praying for your family and those sweet babies who were being knit together. It was an honor to partner in prayer and it's now such a joy to be able to rejoice with you as you get to know your sweet twins. They are precious! I was pregnant at the same time with a difficult pregnancy…bedrest at home for a month, then bedrest in the hospital for a month followed by an c-sec and our Elijah then spending a month in the NICU (preemie) . We are all healthy and at home now. So glad your babies are strong and thriving. The NICU can be a little unsettling at times but those docs and nurses are top-notch and it makes the homecoming just that much more spectacular! Still praying for you, Monica and Hayden and Reese. God is so faithful!
I loved this post! I am spending some time this afternoon catching up on posts that I have missed while Jonathan and Connor take a nap. I am sorry that I usually don't leave comments. I need to work on that. Reading this post made tears come rushing to my eyes. I love Reese and Hayden so much already! 🙂
P.S. – I am excited that you can now change your profile information to not only include that you're a wonderful husband, but also a great daddy to two sweet babies!
I found your site through Clay. Aw…even the baby goo is cute. 🙂 Kids are amazing….amazingly exhausting. I joke…I have 4. They untied me and let me out of the closet long enough to type this. In all seriousness, congrats! You are truly blessed.