“Who needs sleep? Well, you’re never gonna get it. Who needs sleep? Tell me what’s that for. Who needs sleep? No you’re never gonna get it. There’s a guy whose been awake since the Second World War.” – Bare Naked Ladies (this is a music group and not a porno).

If you are new to the blog then you should know that my wife just had twins. Catch up on all the action by following me on Twitter.

So the first 24 hours of having twins has been intense. It’s been so for two reasons…1. Monica is doing good but she lost a lot of blood. At one point they mentioned that she would have to have a blood transfusion if things didn’t change with her. I think we are good now, but anytime the doctor gets concerned I freak. Her blood count was so low she couldn’t get an epidural. That means that those jokers came O (WORST PAIN EVER) Natural.  2. I’m not really familiar with this baby thing.

Both twins are doing good but since they were premature they went to NICU. Yesterday I went to show them off to their grandparents and I got accosted. Now since they are my kids it’s probably not accosted but I hadn’t wrapped my mind around changing a diaper for the first time and feeding. Now don’t get all crazy on me. I’ve been prepping myself to change a diaper, but I didn’t think it was going to be while they were in their incubators. I was willing to jump in I just didn’t expect it to happen like this….

On my way out of the NICU the nurse says, “hold on a second. Do you want to feed him?” Now of course I wanted to feed him, but Monica was upstairs. I didn’t want to do it without her. I tried to call but my cell phone was dead. Next thing I know I am taking Hayden’s temperature, changing his diaper (wait a minute…I got duped), and then feeding him. On a scale of Michele Duggar (19 Kids and Counting) to Kate Gosselin (John and Kate plus 8) I was was a Kate Gosselin. In other words I freaked. I surveyed his change and feeding only to be reminded by the nurse that I have a second child. What the???

Reese is really little. 3 lbs to be exact. To compare our twins difference rent the documentary “Twins.” It’s the true life story of a genetically superior baby and his twin brother. I kid I kid. Reese really is small though. It was scary enough taking care of Hayden but she’s smaller than a Cabbage Patch doll. I freaked, but I made it through.

Hayden ended up doing so good he got to stay the night in our room last night. Yay! They told us that it could be up to three weeks before Reese can come home. So for now we sleep, freak out when they need their diapers changed, try to feed them, and sleep some more. Here are some pics of their first 24 hours.

Pictured Above: Mark and Dodi (Grandparents), Nicole (Aunt), Courtney (Amazing Friend), Marcia and Bob (Grandparents).

Pictured Above: Only thing that Monica could eat were Popsicles and ice chips. Good thing she loves Popsicles.

Pictured Above: Courtney, Lindsey, Danielle, and Monica all looking pretty.
Pictured Above: Larry and Jessi, Danielle and Dan, Lindsey, Courtney, Stu and Tab, Mark, Marcia, Bob, Nicole and Jon.

Pictured Above: Hello Hayden.

Pictured Above: Hello Reese.

Pictured Above: Reese and Hayden.

Pictured Above: Hayden our wide open child.

Pictured Above: Reese our modest child.

Pictured Above: Monica with Hayden.

Pictured Above: This was the first time Monica got to be with Hayden.

Pictured Above: Monica and Reese.
Pictured Above: Rob being duped into a diaper change.

Pictured Above: Is this how this thing is supposed to go?
Pictured Above: Our first family pic.

Pictured Above: Monica looking beautiful with the twins.

Pictured Above: Rob feeding Hayden.

Pictured Above: Hayden and Carlyn.

Pictured Above: Jamey and Hayden.

Pictured Above: I think I figured out how America can get some oil. Eww gross.

Pictured Above: Rob trying to figure out the diaper thing and Jamey supervising.