Because of all of the work that goes into a message often times a pastor is sensitive to what people say. Again it’s not that they preach for man’s approval but you give so much of yourself when someone criticizes it stings. The first five to ten minutes after a message is delivered the pastor is the most sensitive to what people say. It’s kind of like giving birth. It was a long painful process but after the talk is delivered a pastor is proud of what God has done. Unless they bombed it. If that happens then no one knows it more than the pastor. Anyway, if you ever have the chance to talk to a pastor after a sermon choose your words carefully. After all you wouldn’t tell a parent their baby was ugly.
- You were actually funny today.
- I don’t normally like it when you preach, but today I liked it.
- Today was actually a good talk.
- Today you were funny, insightful, and passionate. You were at a whole other level then where you normally are.
- Was that story true?
- Today wasn’t one of your best. It was OK, but it just wasn’t one of my favorites.
O.K., you have convinced me to avoid you on days that you lead worship. I won’t even tempt providence with an obligatory thumbs up or wink. I still think your energy level was off the charts in your Busted talk. Making it personal can do that. Ciao.
I love to hear you preach, Rob! But I totally know what you mean, people mean well… but they say dumb mess! And Rob… this blog entry was actually good…. umm I mean usually I am bored to tears…. but this one actually was interesting! HAHA, I am teasing, obviously!
lol. love the comments… funny, yet serious stuff rob…
by the way, tagged you…just think of it as link love.
I’d actually be more likely to tell a parent their baby was ugly… they pretty much all are… Anyway, we’ve gone over this, Pastors/Speakers “embellish” their stories so much and are completely unapproachable that people have a hard time believing any unusual story to be completely true. I’d take it as a compliment that you’re approachable AND they think there’s a possibility it’s true. There are probably people that just assume it’s made up if you’re getting that question.
These comments are not even outright criticisms. They are just typical of “finicky” eaters, who not intending to be critics, convey inferences of disapproval. The person who puts forth so much effort to “feed” the flock may laugh, but is not amused.