If you ever go to church and you have the chance to talk to the pastor after the service you should choose your words carefully. A good pastor doesn’t preach for compliments. What I mean is that at the end of the day they are preaching to please God and not people. At the same time pastors are humans and the words that are said to them after the service can weigh on them.

It’s like this…for at least a week the pastor studies, prays, writes, and prays some more for this one talk. For me I write out my entire talk word for word. I often write at least one rough draft that gets completely rewritten before Sunday. An average talk for me is six to eight pages that I memorize. For at least a week the pastor has lived with this message inside of them. When the message is finally delivered it’s birthed in front of an audience. What took hours to prepare can be torn down in 30 seconds.

To be continued…