I like pictures and since my wife documents every second of our lives with her camera I thought I’d have a week of pictures…
Recently two of my friends invited me to the shooting range to fire off some rounds. I don’t know if I feel manly, tough, white trash, gangsta, or cool writing that last sentence. I have conflicting emotions going through my mind. None the less I went and I had a great time hanging out. I even hit the bulls-eye a couple of times.
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Pictured Above: Rob shooting a gun. This may look like a machine gun but I was told it’s a hand gun that looks like a machine gun. |
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Pictured Above: Notice the hard core facial expression, along with the safety goggles, and ear protection. |
*The title of this blog is a quote from the greatest action movie of all time Die Hard.
*This picture was actually taken by Dan Peters. I forgot Monica’s camera at home.
The gun in the picture is actually a small caliber rifle (.22)… It would be ineffective at takign down anything much larger than a rabbit, although all firearms are potentially lethal.
For the record I think most of your friends grew up with guns / owning guns and are just recently acquiring the expendable income to purchase new ones or go shooting on a more regular basis. I wouldn't call it recent.
"I don't know if I feel manly, tough, white trash, gangsta, or cool writing that last sentence." — I vote for both manly and tough. And formally and politely request an invitation to come next time. Please.
Wow dude, I barely recognized ya. So hood. I thought I knew you. I feel that I should go down into my underground bunker, pull my knees into my chest, and rock back and forth.
That's an AK-47 it's what the Gangstas and Taliban use.
Very cool Rob, Shooting is alot of fun and a great stress reliever. So when the babies or baby is born and you are stressed and at your wits end call your good buddies up with the arsenal that was amassed for the prospect of WW3 then let us all know how much stress you have once you walk out of the range. you might go broke buying ammo and targets but the feeling well, "Priceless"
Dp, I should have called before I wrote it. Thanks for the specifics.
Walt, I'll see what I can do. Do you shoot?
Daniel, another good comment. It made me chuckle.
Anthony, sounds like good advice. I'll have to remember that.
no need. it wouldn't have been authentically Rob. just wanted to specify that it is a .22 caliber rifle so that people wouldn't think you actually were friends with militia members. Not that I wouldn't consider joining a militia… I joke, I think.
I have enjoyed a time (or two) on the shooting range myself… and was a pretty good shot. Love to go when I have the time and $ (it gets expensive).
Are you into darts Rob? I love me some darts.
–Terrace Crawford
Terrace, I do enjoy the darts. We should play sometime.
Rob, I may be letting my redneck flag fly, but we go to a friend of the family's place in Gloucester so that we can shoot outside and for free. If you liked shooting, you are more than welcome to join sometime. We shoot targets, skeet, and ugly pumpkins (in october). 🙂
Lindsey, thank you for the comment. You were the only girl who posted one. I might just have to take you up on your offer. I've never shot a pumpkin before.