I like pictures and since my wife documents every second of our lives with her camera I thought I’d have a week of pictures…

A couple of my friends have recently got into guns. Now when I say got into guns, I’m saying they talk about guns, buy guns, buy ammo for those guns, and then go to the shooting range to shoot their guns. To my knowledge they aren’t starting an army, but I did hear one of them talk about turning their home into a compound if war broke out in America. I digress…

Recently two of my friends invited me to the shooting range to fire off some rounds. I don’t know if I feel manly, tough, white trash, gangsta, or cool writing that last sentence. I have conflicting emotions going through my mind.  None the less I went and I had a great time hanging out.  I even hit the bulls-eye a couple of times.

Pictured Above: Rob shooting a gun. This may look like a machine gun but I was told it’s a hand gun that looks like a machine gun.
Pictured Above: Notice the hard core facial expression, along with the safety goggles, and ear protection.

*The title of this blog  is a quote from the greatest action movie of all time Die Hard.
*This picture was actually taken by Dan Peters. I forgot Monica’s camera at home.