I like pictures and since my wife documents every second of our life with her camera I thought I’d dedicate a week to them…
- It’s just an observation, but it must have been a guy type post because the females stayed away from leaving comments.
- It would be understandable for one to come to the conclusion that the title of this post, “I Shot My Wife In the Butt,” is related to yesterdays post. It’s not.
This past Friday my wife and I had a little scare with our pregnancy. After Monica woke up we called the Dr. and she said that we should come in for an emergency ultrasound. She is 7 weeks pregnant and it was around this same point that we lost our first baby three years ago. We both were silent as we drove to the hospital. I’m normally optimistic, but we both prepared ourselves for the worst.
During the ultrasound the Dr. quickly told us that everything looked great with both our babies. In response to the Dr. my exact quote was, “can you repeat that please.” She then went on to say that everything looked really good with both babies. She even said that she could see a flicker which is an early sign of a heartbeat. Monica and I both cried after hearing her words. We were prepared for the worst and received an early surprise. Praise God! This Friday we go in for the official ultra sound to hear the heartbeats. We would appreciate the prayers.
Because it’s twins the Dr. put Monica on a a new medication. It’s a stronger version of what she was on. The medication is a thick oil and it has to be given through a shot every night for the next five weeks. Monica has had plenty of experience giving herself a shot, but neither of us were prepared for what the Dr. said next. She told us that I have to give Monica the shot and that it’s in her butt. DO WHAT? The needle for this shot is gigantor. I’m not going to lie I was a little scared to give her the first shot. I’m also not going to lie for her, she was really scared for me to give her the first shot. We both survived and lived to take a picture of the first needle.
Pictured Above: The medication, a very large needle, and a cotton swab. At this point Monica was really nervous. |
Pictured Above: Rob right before giving Monica a shot in the butt. At this point I was really nervous. |
This is wonderful news! Congrats!
Also, I cannot imagine a scenario..where I would be allowed to public-ally speak about or even of my wife's hind side.
Brian, thanks. We are excited. We appreciate the prayers. It's still a long road ahead.
TWINS!!! so exciting!! God is making up for lost time 🙂
good luck to both of you for the shots…is monica's love language acts of service? cause this probably is a major one. not sure it counts as quality time, though!
Lindsey, it's not and you are right. It's def not quality time. Your comment was funny.
Dr. Shepherd … now that has a nice ring to it. Please see the receptionist on the way out with your co-pay.
The things we learn from parenting and the process of becoming parents–amazing.
Congrats on the twins! That's so exciting. We'll continue praying for you two (well, you four)! You're a good sport…. I don't know that I'd allow my husband to give me the shots… he might find some level of amusement in my discomfort!
Brian would be passed out on the floor at the mere mention of having to give me a shot anywhere. I seriously would have to have a friend come and do it. So excited to hear the news of twins. We'll be praying. Love ya'll. Give Monica a big hug for me and tell her to eat a few Krispy Kreme's in my honor…gotta start those babies out right!
Awesome news about twins!! I can't believe it! And also, great job to Dad giving Mom that gigantor shot! Maybe you should start calling yourself Nurse Rob…? Wow, that sounds so manly… 🙂
Kim, isn't your husband a jedi? If so he'd have no problem with it.
Laura, that night with the Krispy Kremes was fun. I wish you guys lived closer so we could do that again.
Elyse, NO.
TWINS?! YAY!!! I was praying for triplets…but I suppose twins will do. 😉 I'm so excited I'm going to cry. Praying that those two little munchkins stay healthy and safe. Praying for Monica to stay safe, too…since you are giving her shots I figured she might need a little extra prayer. 😉
so so so so so awesome…twins! i can't wait to meet those rascals…love you guys and am so happy…i don't think i've ever used a needle…got be an interesting experience…i didn't realize you can't shoot yourself in your own butt?
that picture is priceless, with the look on your face saying everything for what you're thinking lol
but more importantly WHOAAA congrats!!! prayers aplenty
Oh my. Thank you so much for telling us. I am so excited for you both. Guess Brett will need to get two pairs of those cool shoes. What awesome news.
Bernadette Price
Congrats to you both! God definitely knows what he is doing giving those twins you and Monica as parents. 🙂 As for giving the shots – a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do!
I am weeping as I read this. I am so happy for both of you and those two precious little babies. They are going to be so much fun (and so much work). I imagine that you both are awed and stunned by this revelation of twins. Wow, God does good work, doesn't He? I'm going to continue to lift all four of you in prayer. Wow. That is so neat. Thank you so much for sharing your lives with us. As for the shooting in the butt. Go Rob! Whatever it takes.
Brilliant news Rob – thrilled for you both!