Yesterday Waters Edge Church opened the doors to our new building. It was considered a soft opening. We have publicized this coming weekend, June 6 and 7, as Grand Opening weekend. We have never had a building before and we wanted to work all the kinks out before we opened our doors to the public.

The day went amazing. We started with baptism. We baptized 18 people. It was a great way to start our services. Then Phil Poteat and the Waters Edge Band rocked our faces off. They have never sounded better in my opinion. Next was Things You Must Know. It’s a video hosted by frequent comment leaver Danielle Peters. She did a great job. After that Stu delivered a great presentation.

We had more people then we have ever had on a non holiday service. There are a few minor things we need to adjust, but overall it was a great day. If you were there I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Here are some more pics of the building and our first services.