I wore the same pair of underwear for three days in a row.


Before you continue reading I want you to be honest about what your first thought was when you read that first statement.

Now promise that you won’t continue reading until you plant that thought. Don’t change your answer. Promise?

If you are reading this and you haven’t locked in your thought, I will put a curse on you and all of your babies will be born bald and naked. If you are done having kids this curse will carry over to your grand kids. If you don’t want to have kids then all of your mosquito bites will itch like fire.

Okay, now let me explain. I wore a lucky pair of underwear on Wednesday because I was running a race on Thursday. I knew that I wouldn’t shower before the race because the race was at 9:30 AM. I ran my race. I got home and I threw my clothes in the hamper. I then put on a new pair of drawz. On Friday morning as I was getting ready I noticed that my wife had already done the laundry and my lucky drawz were now clean once again. Same drawz for three days.

TMI? What’d you expect? My tagline for this blog is transparent thoughts from a random pastor. Now stick with me on this because I have a point.

Remember that thought that you had? I think it says a lot about you.

  • If you jumped the conclusion that I wore the same pair of draws for three days in a row without washing them, then you might be judgmental, you easily jump to conclusions, or you wear the same pair of drawz three days in a row and you are sick nasty.
  • If you thought there must be an explanation then you might be laid back, give people the benefit of the doubt, and or you have bigger issues to worry about then what’s under there. Did I just make you say underwear?
  •  If you were wondering if I was wearing superhero underwear, then that’s just weird. And yes, it was Superman.

Healthy relationships learn to give people the benefit of the doubt. Whether it’s marriage, friendship, or blogging we need to learn to give each other the benefit of the doubt. You don’t think this is a big deal? Au contraire mon frere. I just went French all up on you.

When you get angry it’s often because you have jumped a conclusion. Someone is late for a meeting and you immediately think about how irresponsible they are. Your spouse does something and instead of giving them the benefit of the doubt you jump down their throat. Somebody says something and you get offended because you think they are out to get you.

Now some people are jerks. Some people are irresponsible. But if you want to make it long term with a relationship you have to give people the benefit of the doubt. That means you wait to make a judgment until you can hear their side of the story. That means that you wait to get angry. That means that you don’t jump to conclusions.

I counsel people all of the time who are destroying their relationships because they don’t give people the benefit of the doubt.  The next time that you get all judgmental, or want to jump down someone’s throat, take a second to pause. Collect your thoughts. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they are a jerk or maybe they have a legitimate reason.

What was the thought that you had when you read that first sentence?