I don’t know about you but it’s hard to keep up with all of the great blogs out there. Because there are so many gifted bloggers I often end up missing some great stuff. So I came up with an idea and it was inspired by the video at the top of the page. Treat Yo Self.
Here’s how this works…in the comments Treat Yo Self. In other words, mention your favorite post from this past month. Don’t be shy. I want to know what you are most proud of. For this instance it’s okay to pimp out your own blog. Here’s the catch, when you mention your favorite of yours you also need to give a shout out to someone else’s post. If you don’t have a blog then feel free to mention someone else’s post that you really enjoyed.
See you in the comments.
The favorite one of mine was Sister Wives And Sex And Sex And Sex And Sex.
Probably just because I’m on your blog right now, but I look forward to your Mind Dumps.
Larry, great stuff! And thanks.
My top post this month was titled – Paterno and Grace: Is There Any Chance They Go Together? http://wp.me/pCPhx-mA
One of my favorites from this past month from around the blog community was a guest post by Ben Reed over at Michael Perkins’ blog, The Handwritten. Here’s the link: http://thehandwritten.com/note-to-self/
Jon, great stuff! Michael P.’s is one of my favorite blogs. That guest post was great!
My favorite post was probably the 5 questions. I don’t recall answering one of those questions, and I was totally weirded out when we talked about it.
Ryan, that was funny and sad. You can’t just tell a HUGE Needtobreathe that you’ve enjoyed their newest album and then forget that you wrote that.
I only read a couple of blogs each day. Certainly not a long list. I would rather develop a bit of a deeper relationship with some folks than have a whole bunch to stop by, skim through and then leave a half-hearted comment. I don’t want to this turn into a burdensome chore.
Daniel, so what’s your favorite from your blog?
I’m not sure that I can claim a favorite. The different blogs that I follow all offer me something that I enjoy. Also, I am thinking of running for political office, so I am practicing answering your question without actually giving you an answer.
Well played… you’re well on your way.
One of my favorite posts to read was the 3-part series of Thanksgiving rebuttals on Knox McCoy’s blog. That is actually how I came across Knox McCoy, via Tyler Stanton, which is how I came across your blog yesterday and some others, too. In your own words, you guys are halarious.
It is weird to promote myself in my first comment on your blog (I’m not a good commenter; I don’t banter well), but my top post was actually somewhat humorous (which I hadn’t done before). It’s the “REAL” story behind Thanksgiving featuring the witch from Hansel and Gretel.
Great stuff Tim. So glad that you stopped by.
My post to share from someone else, I literally just read before stopping by here. It is Ryan Haack, he is blogging about living life with only one hand and shares his life experiences. He just posted today about his night with his kids and I thought it was great.
And my favorite I did was “If you Would have Told Me”
Joe, that was a great post. One of my favorites from you.
Not sure about favorites, but I had more hate mail for this post than any other. http://thehandwritten.com/mediocrity-is-a-whore/
Michael, that blows me away that you get hate mail. Your blog is spot on. Love it.
This post by Chase McFadden was one of the only reactions to the Penn State scandal that really resonated with me, more than just sadden and disgust me: http://somespecieseattheiryoung.com/2011/11/10/why-parents-must-speak-of-unspeakable-things/
And I didn’t do much writing on my blog this past month, so this is about the cream of the crop. Talk about slim-pickins: http://meetthebuttrams.wordpress.com/2011/11/19/my-life-in-quotations/
Jessica, we need to fix you not blogging a lot. When I say we I mean you. You always have witty stuff. Blog on.
My favortie was doing the “continue the story” at my blog…i started a story and the commentors added to it…and continued…
the next post…I fininshd the story and incorported the bloggers and commentors who participated….
IT was SOOO much fun…to write fiction..and let my mind run wild! LOL… http://arnyslight.wordpress.com/2011/11/07/the-blogging-knights-of-the-square-table/
Post I read that blew me away had to be Moe’s blog post about how to be a bad christian….(his post was in one word…”Yourself”)….awesome!
That is a genius idea, Arny. I would use it, but I don’t know how good of a story me, my mom, and the other person who reads my blog can come up with.
Arny, that was good stuff!
I follow a total of 2 blogs steadly. Your’s and Steven Furtick’s. So, I am happy to say my favorite post comes from yours.
Favorite Post on RobShep.com: The Human Video Post. I still recommend readers to view this post.
I only have a few post on my blog, due to it’s recent start. My favorite has to be the Star Wars Spoof post! I mean not bragging but almost Classic status there.
I really need to start checking out a lot of the other bloggers on here.
Joseph, I liked that video a lot. I hadn’t seen it before. Great stuff. Keep up the blogging.
I follow 2 blogs regularly, robshep.com and stuhodges.com. Both can be a goldmine of wisdom, inspiration, and humor so it’s hard to pick a favorite.
That being said, I think the post that resonated the most and had the most personal impact was your post Your Crap Becomes Your Story. For someone who constantly battles the “am I important/do I matter” issue, having someone offer to listen to my crap and to pray for me is huge.
Randal, thanks for reading. I think that post will become a talk one day.
My favourite post I wrote last month was
And my favourite one I read was
I like following you guys but would love to follow and interact with more bloggers from the U.K. any recomendations accepted!
T.C., you are the only one that I know from the U.K. I know a bunch from Canada. That doesn’t help at all does it?
Uh, no. Nothing against Canada. Maybe many of the U.K. Christians are too inhibited to blog!
My favorite post of the past month was about losing two precious friends in dreaded Novembers past. Called it “November Angst”: http://thomasmarkzuniga.com/2011/11/november-angst/
On a happier note, Tyler Stanton’s “Beginner’s Guide to Helping Someone Move” is pretty much brilliant: http://www.tylerstanton.com/2011/11/28/beginners-guide-to-helping-someone-move/
TMZ, Great stuff. Tyler’s post was ha-larious.
Great idea!
I have been out of blogging for most of the summer and this is an intro post of wha is to come:
My favorite post I have read would have to be:
And of course this one… http://www.knoxmccoy.com/2011/12/residents-of-awesometown-21-rob.html
I’m regularly checking Relevant Magazine’s site for their articles. Usually great stuff and seems to come at a time when I need it.
This article in particular really stuck with me. I like reading/talking about the things most don’t like to talk about. http://www.relevantmagazine.com/life/relationship/features/27286-whats-the-big-deal-about-waiting-for-marriage
Alex, Relevant is great stuff! Thanks for sharing.
Hey, I’ve just been born into the blogging seen because I liked some of the things my dad, Randal, was talking about from your blogging. I love it, it’s hilarious and thought provoking; I’m planning on making reading and commenting a regular thing. Whereas I have no past blog experience, a question popped into my mind as I was reading: what’s your favorite blog?
Sean, welcome to the blog. Your dad is one of my favorite comment leavers.
Treat my self:
“Worship Bouncers” – this was a post about a new role that every church should introduce. http://stephenhaggerty.blogspot.com/2011/11/for-those-of-us-who-are-part-of-local.html
Treat others: http://www.jonacuff.com/stuffchristianslike/2011/12/sclq-%E2%80%93-booty-god-booty-the-video-part-1/
So I know he already gets his fair share of shout-outs, but I thought this most recent post by Acuff was especially noteworthy due to the video he included- the first part of a video series he’s doing for lifechurch.tv, pretty cool.
Thanks Steven! Have you been to your brothers blog? He’s stepping up his blogging game.
He’s where it’s at. Someone needs to treat his self.
You guys are making me blush. 🙂
First off, Parks & Rec is the bomb diggity diz-ag. I dunno what that means, but I’m sure it’s accurate.
My favorite post from my own blog, The Isle of Man (http://theisleofman.blogspot.com), would probably be my “Very Muppet Movie Review,” which can be easily viewed at: http://theisleofman.blogspot.com/2011/11/very-muppet-movie-review.html
My favorite post elsewhere would probably be a hilarious post on Bryan Allain’s blog regarding the myth of tryptophan: http://bryanallain.com/2011/11/23/happy-tryptophan-day-2011/
Btw, later today (Monday, Dec. 5), I am publishing a post encouraging others to post their stuff on my site. I’d love it if you, Rob, and any of the readers here would come on over and pimp out their material. See ya over there (and here too!)