Most of the time I really like the letter S. It’s the first letter to my last name. It’s also the centerpiece for Superman’s symbol. Without S sports would simply be port, space would pace, and Shaq would haq. It’s a very important letter.
- At Waters Edge Church our Kid’s ministry is called Kid Kraze. All most everyone says Kids Kraze. No matter how many times we correct them people still add an S.
- Certain people I know add the letter S to everything. To them it’s not the Duke Blue Devils it’s the Duke’s Blue Devils. It’s not Wal-Mart it’s Wal-Marts. It’s Krogers instead of Kroger.
- I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard someone say Sonics when it is simply Sonic.
So today whether you are going shopping, sipping some coffee, or shooting hoops think about the letter S. It’s important and that’s why today’s blog is brought to us by the letter S…just use it responsibly.
Supercilious syllables; seek support stud.
Where would we be without the letter S? no possessions, no plurals…so drab and lonely.
I use to get “checkings” vs. “checking” account.
Guilty, as charged. Yes, I’m one of many who put an occasional, unnecessary “S” on names that do not require it, but what’s the big deal? Daniel gets it. Brian gets it. The extra “s” thing is not nearly as annoying as preachers who use “I” at the end of sentences when they should use “me”. So, I say suck it up.
oh my gosh, I hate it when people leave the s off my last name. Mrs. Peter is not my name children (and their parents that write me notes)!!!
Oh, or how about the phrase, “that’s mines.” It should be “mine”. Unless you you are in the coal business, stop adding the s!
or when people say Ruby TuesdayS… when there’s definitely no S
Haha! “Krogers” gets on my nerves the worst.
I agree. Leave the S’s where they belong! But people often add letters to words where they do not belong. Or they change the way things spell to make it seem catchy. But it is not catchy, it is OBNOXIOUS… like Kwik Kash or Kopy Kat or even… I am sorry but Krispy Kreme. Why must we spell things wrong?
Coal business? I guess I’m slow, what does that have to do with the letter S? This blog reminds me of Sesame Street. Anyway. It is annoying when I’m called Dan Peter instead of Peters, but equally as annoying is the addition of sen or son to Peters.