Most of the time I really like the letter S. It’s the first letter to my last name. It’s also the centerpiece for Superman’s symbol. Without S sports would simply be port, space would pace, and Shaq would haq. It’s a very important letter.

Lately though the letter S has been getting on my nerves. You see too many people add it to words when it has no business being added. A few examples…

  • At Waters Edge Church our Kid’s ministry is called Kid Kraze. All most everyone says Kids Kraze. No matter how many times we correct them people still add an S.
  • Certain people I know add the letter S to everything. To them it’s not the Duke Blue Devils it’s the Duke’s Blue Devils. It’s not Wal-Mart it’s Wal-Marts. It’s Krogers instead of Kroger.
  • I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard someone say Sonics when it is simply Sonic.

So today whether you are going shopping, sipping some coffee, or shooting hoops think about the letter S. It’s important and that’s why today’s blog is brought to us by the letter S…just use it responsibly.