If you are a friend of the blog then there is a good chance you know something about me. If that’s you then take a stab at the question that follows the following sentence. If you are not a regular reader then look at my picture in the bio and then take a stab at the following question. What would you say if I ran in a race called the Warrior Dash? Here are a few details…3.26 hellish (that’s a quote from the website) miles involving obstacles of mud, hay, and fire. Oh yeah some people wear costumes and there is a cargo net. Have you ever seen a fat guy climb a cargo net in a costume?
Nothing in me is interested in jogging in the Warrior Dash. Nothing except the fact that a bunch of my friends are doing it, and the fact that it would give me something to blog about. That’s right I care about the readers of robshep.com and I think you would get a kick out of this. The cost is $40 if I sign up by 11:59 tonight.
Watch the following video and then let me know your thoughts…
To Warrior Dash or Not to Warrior Dash, that is the question.