If you are a friend of the blog then there is a good chance you know something about me. If that’s you then take a stab at the question that follows the following sentence.  If you are not a regular reader then look at my picture in the bio and then take a stab at the following question. What would you say if I ran in a race called the Warrior Dash? Here are a few details…3.26 hellish (that’s a quote from the website) miles involving obstacles of mud, hay, and fire.  Oh yeah some people wear costumes and there is a cargo net. Have you ever seen a fat guy climb a cargo net in a costume?

So I’m not really scared of the 3.26 miles from Hades. I wouldn’t enjoy jogging it, but I know that I can. It’s the obstacles that really scare me. I once was forced to do an obstacle course at a summer camp. I was told that we were coming in first no matter what. I was told that no matter what the obstacle was I had to do it. So we end up crawling in dookie smelling mud. Someone yelled to crawl under so I crawled under…a root. The youth leader that saw it was shocked that I could fit. Apparently there was a board that we were supposed to crawl under. I heard crawl and I crawled. To my (sense the sarcasm) delight they still made me crawl under the board. When I got done I was in pain. Serious pain. Pain like I fell down the flight of stairs at the top of the Empire State Building and kicked by a little league soccer team of tourists the entire way down.  Little leaguers wear cleats.

Nothing in me is interested in jogging in the Warrior Dash. Nothing except the fact that a bunch of my friends are doing it, and the fact that it would give me something to blog about. That’s right I care about the readers of robshep.com and I think you would get a kick out of this. The cost is $40 if I sign up by 11:59 tonight.

Watch the following video and then let me know your thoughts…

To Warrior Dash or Not to Warrior Dash, that is the question.