If you read robshep.com then you know I often don’t have a filter. Words come pouring out of my mind and onto this blog on a regular basis. It could be said that I often fall into the TMI category. That’s Too Much Information in case you aren’t down with abbreviations.  I’ve talked about jogger’s nipples, going bald, weight gain, and my lack of love for pets which all included information that may have been too much for people. 

I wasn’t always this way. In fact I used to be very private and guarded. In high school and college people often would say that I was mysterious.  Back then you’d never hear my talking about jogger’s nipples. In fact I used to be so private I wouldn’t even jog during the day. I would run at night time so people wouldn’t see me.  In my mind I wanted people to see me a certain way. Even admitting that I was over weight and needed to jog was embarrassing for me. 

I’ve never seen the entire movie, but there is a scene in “8 Mile” that I really enjoy. If the edited “8 Mile” is on TV and it’s anywhere near the end I watch it just for this scene.  At the end of the movie the main character (played by Eminem) is in a rap off. He gets to go first against his competition and his tactic is to bust on himself. He talks about the fact that he lives in a trailer, his best friend shot himself in the leg, and even that he’s white trash.  One of his lines is “here tell these people something they don’t know about me.” He is so open about his life that he takes away all the ammunition from his opponent. 

Here’s the deal, we are going to have critics. Even the best image manager is going to have critics. Someone is going to find something about you that they don’t like.  People will talk behind your back. If people are going to judge you no matter what why not let them see the real you. It’s too much work controlling our images.

To be continued…