I don’t recommend fighting with God. He’s got that all powerful thing going on for Him.  He’s also got that three in one thing going for Him. When you fight God you’re fighting the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Three to one isn’t good odds even when you are not fighting someone who can call down a plague of frogs on you. 

There is however one thing that I think is worth fighting God over.  There are people who strongly hold to the belief that everything that we do in this life is predestined. In other words God has a plan and every action that we do is already marked out for us. That includes people who are destined to spend eternity in Hell.  There is even Biblical evidence to back up their belief. Romans 9 makes a pretty strong case to support this line of thinking.  I believe in the Bible so I agree that God is in control and has a plan. But if God created some people to be predestined for destruction then I’d want to fight Him on this. 

There was a time when God got really ticked off at His people. He had just rescued them from Egyptian slavery and while He was talking with Moses they create a god in the image of a cow. I’d be pretty upset myself. I mean at least make a god in the image of a lion or tiger or bear, but a cow…oh my.  He threatened to destroy them but didn’t because Moses asked Him not to.

In my opinion this idea of predestination is worth fighting with God over. I’m not saying you have to cuss God out or tell Him to put up His dukes. I’m just saying that it should cause us to argue on others behalf. Something inside us should cause us to beg God to move in our friends and families lives. I don’t want anyone to be separated from God for all eternity. If someone is predestined it’s worth fighting God over.