On Saturday morning the wife and I went to the Jones Institute for our final step in the IVF process.  The final step was implanting two embryos into Monica.  The whole process took about 2 hours and ten minutes. Ten minutes for the procedure, and two hours of waiting.  One of those hours was required after the procedure. The first hour…well we weren’t really sure what was going on during that first hour. 

They dropped off two costumes and said that we both had to wear them.  They then told us that I could bring a camera in to take a picture of the two embryos.  While we waited we decided to kill some time with a photo shoot. Nobody told me I got to wear a costume, so I thought I might as well dress up and take some pics. Enjoy.
Pictured Above: Rob in his IVF costume
Pictured Above: I got to wear booties.

Pictured Above: Monica rock’n her costume.
Pictured Above: Rob making his blue steel (from Zoolander) pose.
Pictured Above: More posing for the camera.
Pictured Above: Lord willing this will be the first picture of our kid or kids.