Most things are forgivable, but this was not only inexcusable it was unforgivable.

A little while ago my in-laws came over from VA Beach to hang out with us. When they walked in they told an awful story. What you are about to read is unacceptable, unfathomable, and should be illegal in all 50 states (and most major countries).

My in-laws drove to Burger King and tried to order a Whopper combo meal. The person that spoke to them through the little drive-thru box said they were out of Whoppers. But wait there’s more! Not only was Burger King out of the Whopper they had no beef. Are you KIDDING me!

It would be forgivable if McDonald’s, or Wendy’s ran out of beef. Neither of those have the words Burger in their name and neither of them claim to be the King of Burgers. Now to make matters worse the person working the drive through said, “all we have is chicken.” They went to Burger King and the only thing they could buy was chicken. Something is wrong with that. Something should be done. Someone should be fired. That my friends is an unpardonable sin.