There are times when we talk and I don’t think we think about what we are saying. For example as a kid whenever I would have a squirt gun some kid would always say, “don’t get me wet my mom will get mad at me.” That is a great line to get you out of being wet, but it’s not true. The truth is the kids mom might get mad at me for being a jerk and squirting her kid with my super soaker water gun. Have you ever heard someone say, “I’m not a liar.” Question: how many times do you have to tell a lie to be a liar? It’s funny to me what people will lie about. People lie about their weight. People lie about why they missed work. People lie about liking some one’s cooking when in reality the food tastes gag nasty. Many times we lie to ourselves. We justify our actions saying things like, I’ll start the diet tomorrow, or this will be the last time I do _______.
It just seems like everyone lies about everything. The question is how do we stop lying?