I don’t really have any answers to this series of posts. It does bother me that lying is so prevalent. It bothers me because it causes people to not trust others. For example almost every time I speak in Big Church (Sunday mornings to the whole church) someone will question a story that I tell. In fact their exact words are something like did you make that story up, or is that story true? They may not mean to but what they are implying is that as a pastor I would stand up on a stage and lie to make a point.

I think one of the only ways I can win others trust is to be trustworthy. Over time people will trust me because they know me. My goal is to become like my friend who works on cars (The Truth Part Two). I trust him because I know him. Even though a lot of other people in his business are liars, I trust him because I know him.

When I was growing up in church my pastor used to always say this prayer from the Bible, “may the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your site, oh Lord, my rock and my redeemer. For some reason that stuck with me. It’s a prayer that I pray often. I want my words to please God. Because God is truth I want to represent Him with my words. Therefore my words have to be truthful. Just something to think about.
