If you follow robshep.com, are friends with me on Facebook, or follow my tweets on Twitter, then you know that my wife and I are one day away from finding out if we are pregnant through IVF. We have felt an overwhelming amount of love and support from our friends about this decision.  I have felt incredibly blessed and humbled by all the people who are praying for us.  I don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but I do know that God has blessed us through this decision. We are blessed through the love of our friends/family, and I believe that God has blessed our marriage through this decision.  No matter what happens we will thank God for His amazing blessings on our life. 

With that being said there has been at least one person who has passionately opposed our decision.  I knew that there was controversy out there, but truthfully I didn’t know what all the fuss was about.  What I found online mostly talked about the issues with same sex couples or single moms using IVF. I also found some articles on mix ups with IVF which led to couples having someone elses baby. I’m hoping for an African American baby. Besides that the only thing I could find came from the Catholic Church. 

“The Roman Catholic Church opposes all kinds of in vitro fertilisation because, as with contraception, it separates the procreative purpose of the marriage act from its unitive purpose:” There’s got to be more to the controversy than that right? I prayed about our decision and I came to the conclusion that God has given us the resources to help us. To me it’s like when I get a headache. When my head hurts I pray that God will take it away and I also take Tylenol. God has given us medicine to use to help us and I don’t think it lessens God by using it.  Without the help of doctors Monica can’t get pregnant or sustain a pregnancy.  Without God’s help we still won’t be pregnant.

I get grossed out by the medical words they use, so I apologize for being general…When they mix Monica’s junk with my stuff it doesn’t automatically mean we are pregnant. They insert two embryos into her with the hope that one will take. It is no guarantee. Without God this is still impossible. I’m still doing some research to try to figure out why there is a controversy. The person who opposed our decision falls in line with the beliefs of the Catholic Church. To me that’s the church being ridiculous. It’s like churches who ban rock n roll and dancing. It comes from someones personal conviction where they want to force it on everyone else.  I’m not trying to start a fight by this post. It was on my mind so I wrote down my thoughts. If anyone knows a Biblical argument against IVF I’d love to hear it. Just make it respectful.