If you could be anything and not fail what would you be? If you could do anything and not fail what would you do?
This past week in our Student Community Groups our students were asked what they dream about. The sad report I heard was that many of them don’t have dreams to become anything.
If you don’t have a big dream for you life then it is a direct reflection of how small you think God is. God is able to do measurably more than what we can ask or even imagine. If that is true then why don’t we dream BIG?
This reminds me of the verse, “Without a vision the people perish.” I love to dream, and I think it builds faith to look back at dreams that have been fulfilled.
I dream that one day most of or all of my income will come from playing music. Right now, I’m taking the first steps to make this happen.
I loved the student lesson this week. It was my first official lesson to lead, and it was great! I loved talking to the girls about this!
I have too many dreams… if I chased all of them, I’d get nowhere. In fact, I’d probably be homeless. Have you heard some of my whacked out ideas? Not that some aren’t good, I’m trying to focus on coming up with one dream that I want to pursue.
I have not had dreams for quite some time. It seems that dreaming just sets me up for disappointment and prolongs the agony as time goes by and those dreams don’t materialize. But, of course, your words are convicting, and I am sure that my attitude is somehow a reflection of my view of God.