Throwing a good party is not easy. It takes planning, creativity, and a lot of good food. This past Wednesday I hosted the Waters Edge Student Party. Lucky for me Tab Hodges goes to Waters Edge. She is gifted at throwing parties. Dare I say she’s at ninja status when it comes to throwing a party. She should get paid a lot of money for her parties. They are legendary!
When Waters Edge throws a Student Party I’m not just talking about getting some pizzas, playing a CD, and opening the doors for Students. I’m talking a horse drawn carriage ride, fire pits with S’mores, fresh kettle corn from Big Daddies, ugly sweater competition, karaoke, corn hole, a DJ with dancing, homemade cupcakes, cotton candy, and my personal favorite…cake balls.
I want to throw parties to show students that you can have fun and not be stupid. By stupid I mean giving into the normal peer pressures that come with teenage parties. I want to provide a safe environment where students see what fun really is. But like all of our Student events the primary purpose of the party is to introduce new students to what’s most important to us…our Community Groups. At each Student event I give information to help students connect with a group where they can be known, prayed for, and connected with.
150 students and leaders packed into the church lobby and had a great time. In fact one high school student said it was the best party of the year. Mission accomplished! Enjoy some pics of the party…
Pictured Above: Students looking throw the karaoke set list as they listen to Dillon Tulip sing Alejandro.
Pictured Above: Dillon singing Alejandro…still. It was a long song.
Pictured Above: The Christmas Party logo on the plasma (provided by Jamey Menser), cotton candy in glasses, and a tower of cupcakes and cake balls. AHHH-MAZING!
Pictured Above: Waters Edge Students enjoying a horse drawn carriage ride.
Pictured Above: 9th grade girls and their leaders keeping warm around one of the fire pits. I think there might be a dude sneaking in the background of this pic.
Pictured Above: Students doing the Cupid Shuffle.
Pictured Above: Yes we had a Conga-Line.
Pictured Above: The guys in my Student Community Group demanded Corn Hole. So the week of the party we added it. What can I say I love my Student Group.
Pictured Above: More karaoke
Pictured Above: This horse was HUGE!
Pictured Above: I’m not sure what dance prompted Students to pump their fist like the Jersey Shore.
Pictured Above: More fist pumping action
Lindsey Brooks
on December 10, 2010 at 12:51 pm
it was indeed an awesome party! so glad i got to be a part of it!
So glad WEC makes young folks a priority. Before I found WEC when I came to this area, I went to a church where the average age of the congregation was about 75. There were no young folks, only the faint smell of death (and blue rinse) in the air. O.K., that was a bit harsh, but I am trying to set the scene here. Blessings.
It was so awesome, Rob! My girls had a blast and I'm so thrilled to be a part of a church that makes students a priority! Thanks for an amazing time and for leading us so well!
it was indeed an awesome party! so glad i got to be a part of it!
So glad WEC makes young folks a priority. Before I found WEC when I came to this area, I went to a church where the average age of the congregation was about 75. There were no young folks, only the faint smell of death (and blue rinse) in the air. O.K., that was a bit harsh, but I am trying to set the scene here. Blessings.
Kudos to Tab for creating such an amazing party.
It was so awesome, Rob! My girls had a blast and I'm so thrilled to be a part of a church that makes students a priority! Thanks for an amazing time and for leading us so well!
Hearing about this party every year always makes me wish I was a student! SO fun! Good job!
That party was awesome!!!!! But where's a pic of Jonathan dancing
Simeon, I think my wife already left when he broke out the jerk and she had the camera. That was sick though.