Do you drive a stick shift car or an automatic? I don’t have a fat clue how to drive a stick shift car. I don’t even know what you call it. Is it manual?

My brother is one of the few people who can make me laugh. I don’t mean to be a laughing snob, but it takes a lot to make me laugh out loud. I often find myself smiling and saying, “that was funny” while no laughter comes out of my mouth. I hope that’s not rude.

The other day we were laughing about a conversation we once had about driving a car with a stick shift. The original conversation went something like this…

(After making multiple stops after my sisters wedding and now driving approximately 37 miles per hour on the interstate)

Rob: I didn’t know that you could drive stick shift. When did you learn?
Jon: I have never driven stick shift before. This is my first time.
Rob: What? So you just thought you could do this?
Jon: Yeah.
Rob: Shouldn’t you have practiced or something? I mean I’m kind of scared now.
Jon: I’m doing good though right?
Rob: Yeah, but this isn’t your truck. Did they know you couldn’t drive stick?
Jon: They didn’t ask. They needed this stuff thrown away so I borrowed their truck.
Rob: And you asked me to come with you?
Jon: Yeah.
Rob: So how did you know that you could do this?
Jon: I just looked at the gears and figured it out. I think we are in third gear now. I’m too scared to go out of third.

Now this conversation isn’t an exact quote. It happened 11 years ago. He was 17 years old. I’m not sure if you will find the conversation funny. If you don’t you can just leave a comment while not laughing that says, “that was funny.”