Do you like porn? Chances are you or someone you know does. Now they might not be proud of their love for porn, but the stats don’t lie…

  • 40 million Americans regularly visit porn websites.
  • In the U.S. Internet porn makes 2.84 billion $’s.  It makes 10 billion total.
  • 25% of all Internet searches are for porn. That’s 68 million in a day. On a side note if you blog add naked, sex, or porn into a title of your blog and watch your stats rise.
  • There are 116,000 searches for child pornography every day.
  • 20% of men admit to watching porn at work. I bet they don’t work in a cubicle.
  • The average age in which a guy first sees porn online is 11 years old. That’s 5th grade.
  • The most popular day to watch porn is on Sunday.
  • The least popular day of the year to watch porn is Thanksgiving.

Chances are those that view porn fall into a few categories. There are those who watch it and feel guilty about it. This guilt leads to isolation and depression because they can’t beat this addiction.  Then there are those who watch and don’t think twice about it. Except for on Thanksgiving. I think it’s interesting that the least popular day to view Internet porn is on Turkey Day.

To like porn is unfair for your significant other. They can’t live up to the images that you view. And I bet that you would hate it if they spent hours a day fantasizing about someone else. Fantasizing about someone who meets their needs, does whatever they want, and has bigger private parts then you.

Porn is easier to get to today then ever before. So what can we do? There are no easy answers and there are no  quick fixes. In fact most people aren’t willing to get crazy enough to beat this addiction. The following are some things that I know have worked…

  • Be honest with someone. Having a person who you check in with is crucial to overcoming any addiction. I know a guy who overcame a porn addiction and if he looks at porn he has to write his accountability partner a $1,000 check. 
  • Never be alone. I have a friend and whenever his wife goes out of town he has a friend stay over at the house. He doesn’t trust himself alone, and he’s not willing to allow this addiction to win.
  • Internet protection. XXX Church offers a free online accountability. You can set it up so a friend gets sent a copy of all the websites you look at online. I also have a friend that won’t own a computer. He told me that you can’t watch online porn if you don’t have a computer. He was right.
  • Seek help. This is such an easy thing to get addicted to. I have a friend who first became addicted at the age of 4. Nudie magazines were in his house and it took just a couple of looks to get him hooked. No addiction is easy to overcome. With help though all addictions are beatable. After ten years of giving into a pron addiction a friend of mine went to see a Christian counselor. It was this move that saved his marriage, ministry, and state of mind.
  • Protect your man. If you are a female then protect the men in your life. Get the mail and throw away the Victoria Secret Catalog before he gets home. Oh and spill something gross in the trash so it ruins the magazine.
  • Outsmart it. Read reviews of why movies are rated what they are rated. If it has nudity in it don’t go see it. If a visually stimulating image pops up on the TV cover your eyes so that you won’t see it. Don’t believe the lie that you can handle it. Guys can’t.
  • If you are a parent of a boy talk to him about it and set up a means of accountability. Protect your son! I know it’s awkward, but not as awkward as getting caught watching porn with your pants down by your ankles, by your parents.

Like I said there are no easy answers. The thing that stinks about this addiction is that there is such easy access. Porn comes looking for you. This post is not meant to make anyone feel bad. I know it’s hard, but protecting your mind is worth it. With a lot of work everyday can be Thanksgiving when it comes to viewing porn.