Day two at Student Camp was a smashing success. Lots of fun had by all. Here are some of the highlights…
Watching the two…count em two WEC soccer teams. Neither won, but one did make it to overtime before receiving a crushing blow known as a goal.
Watching Students run the obstacle course. It’s only day two of camp, but currently two WEC students hold the time records. Kristen A has it for the girls and Eddie A (no relation…in fact they have totally different last names. They just both start in A) for the guys.
Hearing about Epic World Domination. It’s a large group game that sounds insanely fun. All I know is that it involves flags, socks with flower in them, and bases.
GD. Now before you get offended you need to know what GD stands for in the context of Summer Camp. GD stands for Group Dump. It was started by a few high school guys a couple of years ago at camp and for some odd reason it’s caught on. They actually talk about going to drop a deuce together. Now they are all in separate stalls, but it’s still weird. I’ve known the that high school students did this, but I didn’t know that it spread to the middle school students. A bunch came running up to me exclaiming, “GUESS WHAT WE DID!!!” It was then followed up by info on their first ever GD. I don’t get it.
Here are some pics of Day 2 of Student Camp…
Pictured Above: The Crossroads Morning Show
Pictured Above: One of the WEC teams in the soccer tourney
Pictured Above: The climbing tower. So far no WEC Student has dared to climb it.
Pictured Above: Olivia running the obstacle course.
Pictured Above: Some of the WEC gals after the obstacle course.
Pictured Above: Moriah, Britney, and Brie
Pictured Above: Clayton King playing the world famous “Clayton Says”.
Pictured Above: Worship Leader Carl Cartee
1 Comment
on July 14, 2010 at 11:05 am
All of this was cool until the last one. I don't even want someone in the same building with me when I am going to the bathroom!
All of this was cool until the last one. I don't even want someone in the same building with me when I am going to the bathroom!