Day two at Student Camp was a smashing success.  Lots of fun had by all. Here are some of the highlights…

  • Watching the two…count em two WEC soccer teams. Neither won, but one did make it to overtime before receiving a crushing blow known as a goal. 
  • Watching Students run the obstacle course. It’s only day two of camp, but currently two WEC students hold the time records. Kristen A has it for the girls and Eddie A (no relation…in fact they have totally different last names. They just both start in A) for the guys.
  • Hearing about Epic World Domination. It’s a large group game that sounds insanely fun. All I know is that it involves flags, socks with flower in them, and bases.
  • GD. Now before you get offended you need to know what GD stands for in the context of Summer Camp.  GD stands for Group Dump.  It was started by a few high school guys a couple of years ago at camp and for some odd reason it’s caught on. They actually talk about going to drop a deuce together.  Now they are all in separate stalls, but it’s still weird. I’ve known the that high school students did this, but I didn’t know that it spread to the middle school students. A bunch came running up to me exclaiming, “GUESS WHAT WE DID!!!” It was then followed up by info on their first ever GD. I don’t get it.

Here are some pics of Day 2 of Student Camp…

    Pictured Above: The Crossroads Morning Show
    Pictured Above: One of the WEC teams in the soccer tourney
    Pictured Above: The climbing tower. So far no WEC Student has dared to climb it.
    Pictured Above: Olivia running the obstacle course.
    Pictured Above: Some of the WEC gals after the obstacle course.
    Pictured Above: Moriah, Britney, and Brie
    Pictured Above: Clayton King playing the world famous “Clayton Says”.
    Pictured Above: Worship Leader Carl Cartee