Three years ago Jamey Menser (Logistics Manager and Ministry Specialist) started a Spirit Week at the Waters Edge Offices. Now before you think something silly, like church staff sit around and play hacky sack all day, let me mention that the month of December is crazy for the WEC staff. We work a lot of long hours and we are all very hard at work prepping for “The Biggest Christmas Eve Ever.” The thought behind Spirit Week is to break up all the hard work with a little bit of fun. It’s a much needed break amidst the craziness.
Monday = Wear Your Favorite Sports Team Jersey and a dart tournament. Tuesday = Tacky Christmas Sweater Wednesday = Potluck Day Thursday = Wear your favorite WEC shirt
Enjoy some pics of Spirit Week 2010…
Pictured Above: Phil Poteat explaining the point system to darts
Pictured Above: Cara making a face at Melissa’s dart throwing, Melissa throwing darts, and Rob smirking.
Pictured Above: Stu in a Duke lacrosse jersey, the side of Cara’s head, Rob, Melissa, Phil, Josh wearing one of Rob’s jerseys, and Josh.
Pictured Above: The WEC staff rock’n their jerseys.
Pictured Above: The WEC staff looking good in their Christmas sweaters.
Pictured Above (from back to front): Rob, Stu, Carlyn, Jamey, Mr. Anderson, Keren, Phil, Steph, Melissa, Josh, Brenneman, Cara, and The Fowler.
Pictured Above: Day 3 = Potluck Day. This might be my favorite day. I’m not sure what I’m doing but I’m sure I was enjoying whatever I was eating.
Pictured Above: The WEC staff rock’n their favorite WEC shirts.
Pictures provided by Brenneman. ?
on December 17, 2010 at 1:27 pm
I miss spirit week! Did yall do an Ugly Sweater award this year? who won?
I laughed out loud when I saw Jamey wearing the Lakers jersey. I should've known he wouldn't wear a tshirt underneath… he wants to be just like the players.
I miss spirit week! Did yall do an Ugly Sweater award this year? who won?
Looks like high tea time at the looney bin! Good to see that WEC does nothing at half speed, even having fun. Blessings.
Rob I really enjoyed seeing the photos
Lovin the daily agenda, however I think you SHOULD include a little hacky sack!!!!
Mere! Rob won a candy cane for winning at darts and Josh Wilson won the Tacky Sweater award. I don't know what he won though.
That was a fun week!
Josh won and he got a Chick-Fil-A calendar. Spirit Week misses you by the way.
I laughed out loud when I saw Jamey wearing the Lakers jersey. I should've known he wouldn't wear a tshirt underneath… he wants to be just like the players.
You're going to have to start paying me royalties every time you use the hacky sack line