In true 757 fashion today is a snow day. Last night during my Student Group my senior guys started celebrating like they won the lottery.  One by one they started getting texts and then posting “no school” on Facebook.  The crazy thing is that school was canceled before a single flake hit the ground. That’s what I’m talking about! People in the north don’t understand…I interrupt this sentence to point out that VA is in the south, we fought with the Confederacy, and we are under the Mason Dixon Line. Most Southern folks think we are northerners and most northern Yankees don’t claim us. VA is the step child of America…I now return to the regularly scheduled post. 

Now almost everyone loves a snow day until about 11:00 AM. Then people realize that there is nothing on TV and it’s too cold to go anywhere.  With that being said here are some ideas to maximize a snow day…

  • For some reason Judge shows play non stop during the day. I don’t know who watches them. Have a little bit of fun and turn the sound off to a Judge show. Then make up words as the people are talking.  If you have the right people with you this will be funny and can last you literally all day.
  • Invite some friends over for a sleep over. Last year we had a snow day and we had some of our good friends stay the night with us. It was a lot of fun. If you are a parent have some of your kids friends stay over or send your kids to someone elses house.
  • Watch last weeks episode of The Office. It was an hour long and very funny. You can watch it on 
  • Watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy. They are so long they will cover your entertainment for an entire day.
  • Re-enact the Star Wars original trilogy. If you live by yourself you can play all of the parts. If you live with people divide up all the parts and go to town.
  • Play would you rather. I could play this game all day long. For example…Would You Rather eat a bowl full of yellow snow or spend 30 minutes standing in the snow in nothing but your underwear?
  • Play How Much. This is another game that I could play all day long. Come up with something crazy and then ask the question how much. For example…How much money to eat an entire jar of mayonnaise?
  • Catch up on old posts at  This blog is three years old. There has to be some posts that you missed.
  • Indoor basketball with paper balls. Get two trash cans and play one on one basketball with a bunched up piece of paper.
  • Write encouraging messages to friends on Facebook. Or hack into your spouses Facebook page and leave funny messages like “Today I’m taking a bath like a cat by licking myself. Yummy.”
  • Make a home video and then post it on Youtube. 
  • If you own an iPod or iPhone play Angry Birds. 
  • Make a list. I love making lists. I love the NBA and yet I have a really hard time naming all the teams. Battle someone by coming up with something to list. For example…all 50 states, all time best movies, 10 things you can’t live without. 
  • Do something you say you never have time to do. Clean out a closet, whiten your teeth, call your mother in law.
  • Did you know that mayo freezes just like ice cream? I don’t really know what you can do with that fact, but it’s funny watching people eat frozen mayo. 
  • Watch the video “Look At This Car!!” on Youtube. The guys in my student grouped showed it to me last night after group. It wasn’t that funny, but it was funny watching them imitate this video.
  • Learn how to Dougie. Once you learn then you can teach me how to Dougie, teach me how to Dougie.
  • I know this next one might just be too barbaric, but you could do this crazy thing called talking. It’s pretty wild. Unplug all the electronics and converse with someone that you love.
  • Pillow box. My brother and I used to do this. You put a pillow over both of your fists and then you box. I do need to warn you my brother got a bad rug burn on his face from where he hit the carpet after I hit him. You’ve been warned.
  • Have a friendly debate. You could debate about whether guys should wear v-necks, why the 80’s were or were not the greatest decade ever, or what the greatest food of all time is…go.
  • Indian Leg Wrestling – google it.
  • Pizza delivery competition. Order pizza from three different locations. Tell them they are competing and then celebrate when the winner arrives.  Most of the time they stay open even when it snows in the 757.
  • Write a book. Who knows maybe you could create the next Harry Bella or Edward Potter. 
  • Google yourself. Simply type in your full name into Google and see what happens.
  • And when all else fails…play in the snow. If it really falls.