I’ve been grumpy this week. I don’t really know why. My grumpiness has led to a lack of patience, anger at idiot drivers, and screaming at my video game for being stupid. I really think the game I’m playing cheats. I hate losing. I digress.

 I feel like everyone is entitled to a grumpy day right? On the other hand grumpiness is a sign that something is wrong with my heart. Sure it’s not the end of of the world, but according to the Bible Christ Followers are supposed to produce Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control…not grumpiness. The Bible calls those characteristics the Fruit of the Spirit. When analyzing my grumpiness I had this thought about fruit…

Fruit is most excellent. It’s healthy, tastes amazing, and some of it even keeps the dentist away. I’d take fruit over vegetables every day of the week. But fruit doesn’t stay fresh forever. It’s starts off great, but after a little while it starts to rot. I think it’s interesting that the Bible says that when Christ Followers live for God they produce amazing fruit. Too many people think that one dose of God will produce lasting change. One dose of God on Sunday may produce a little fruit, but eventually it goes bad. I think long lasting change comes from a continual daily pursuit of God.  Now don’t get me wrong…it’s not God that goes bad. It’s the effects that don’t last. It’s like buying great fruit from the Farmers Market and expecting it to last all year. 

So my grumpiness is a sign that the fruit in my life is going bad. If I’m not producing love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control then it’s a sign that fruit in my life is starting to rot. The only cure is to pour into my relationship with God and allow Him to produce some fresh fruit.