As I was driving by the freshly run over animal, I had the following thoughts…

  • This probably wasn’t the first time that animal played in the street.
  • Whatever it was after couldn’t have been worth getting smashed by a car.
  • All animals die, but this one mistake is now viewed by thousands of people.
  • It’s going to take a while to clean the mess left by that bloody carcass.

I’ve never thought of this before that moment, but there are a lot of similarities between road kill and the mistakes we make.  Like the foolish animal we…

  • Make the same mistakes more than once.  We think we get away with it, but eventually the truth will come out.  When it does the damage will be messy.
  • Bad choices are never worth the consequences.  In the moment my brain will justify my negligent behavior.  It focuses on what I want while blinding me to the dangers of what I’m going after. 
  • From time to time we all make stupid choices.  The truth is if we don’t change our behavior we will get caught one day.  When we do all will see the stupid choice.  Whether it’s Tiger Woods, Jesse James, or you…we can’t hide foolish behavior forever. We may get away with it for years, but eventually it will come out.  When it does it will be a spectacle for all to see.
  • When we do get caught it will take a while to clean up our mess.  If we change our behavior eventually people will forget the foolish decision that we made.  I mean nobody talks about Kobe Bryant’s scandal in Colorado anymore.  But it takes years of changed behavior to undo one foolish choice.