My wife reads like a machine. Have you ever seen a movie where a robot digests a book by feverishly flipping through the pages retaining every word they scan? That’s my wife. She read 3, count em, 3 Twilight books in three days. She’s on the fourth now, which is the size of two encyclopedias. She will have read that one before the day is over. That’s not all. She has read 7 books in 7 days.

Since May I have read 1 1/2 books. I read Confessions of a Pastor by Craig Groeschel and I’m reading Samson and the Pirate Monks by Nate Larkin. I love both books. They are both very challenging and refreshingly honest. I recommend them. I’m not a machine reader so I have to force myself to read. I read a little bit everyday. Five days a week, before I get ready, I read a book that challenges me spiritually. I then spend a few minutes reading the Bible. If I don’t force myself to read I won’t do it.

So how about you…are you a reader? If so do you read like a machine or are you slow and steady?