I don’t come perfect. If you want me as a friend, employee, husband, or blogger you will have to take my imperfections.

I am a pretty good friend. I make the phone call just to say “what up.” I try to take interest in what my friends are interested in. I try to be a good friend, but I’m not perfect. I am sensitive. I potentially will play “Would You Rather” for hours at a time. I will be very judgemental of your movie choices. I will ask for your help when it comes to fixing my house, or car. I stink at fixing things. If you want my friendship it’s going to come with my imperfections.

I am a pretty good employee. I try to honor my boss and the other people I work with. I try to say good morning when I show up to work. You’d think that would be easy, but it’s not. I try to help others out even when it doesn’t fall under my job description. I feel like I bring a lot of creativity and fun to my job. I try to be a good employee, but I’m not perfect. I stink at administration. I will forget some details. If you want to work with me it’s going to come with my imperfections.

I am a pretty good husband. I try to serve my wife. I try to be the spiritual leader of our home. I compliment my wife and from time to time I’ll even watch one of her girly shows with her. Hello, Vampire Diaries. I try to be a good husband, but I’m not perfect. I often forget to be romantic. I don’t take enough initiative around the house. I can’t fix anything. If you want me to be married to me (hopefully that only applies to my wife) it’s going to come with my imperfections.

I am a pretty good blogger. I blog five times a week. I try to make most of my posts short. I try to mix up my content with humor, personal, and spiritual posts. I try to be a good blogger, but I’m not perfect. I will misspell things even though there is a spell checker. I’ll put your when it should be you’re. I will mix up then and than. I will have multiple mistakes each day until my wife reads the post and tells me what to correct. Most of the time she reads my blog first thing and I can take care of the mistakes before too many people read it. If you want to read my blog it’s going to come with my imperfections.

I think we all know that people aren’t perfect but we rarely treat people that way. We like to accept people for the things they are good at but we judge, critique, or put down their imperfections. The truth is that if you want to have relationships it’s going to come with their good and their bad. The truth is we need each other because we aren’t perfect.

“Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.” ?- 1 Corinthians 12:12.
I think that if we could fathom how much we really need each other we’d get along a lot better. Your body comes with multiple parts that make up the whole. Each part plays their part. Even though it seems pointless your second kidney is there for a reason. I’m not sure what the reason for the second kidney is since you can donate one and still live…oh wait…maybe that’s the reason. We need each other like we need a second kidney, a thumb, a butt, a face etc. I need you where I am weak and you need me where you are weak.
Sure I try to work on my imperfections, but I will never master them. I need others and other people need me. We need each other. ?