Your private life is jacked up! There is a part of your life that you don’t share with anyone. It could be an addiction, a thought that you don’t even share with your spouse, or a weak moment that you don’t think anyone will find out about. You have a private life and you should. Wait…do what?

I think all of us should have a private life, but I think that it should look different then it does for most. For most our private life is something that we are embarrassed about. And it should be. It’s private because we are not proud of it. But I think we should have a private life that we are proud of. Let me explain…

Jesus said, ” “Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.”

Jesus then goes on to talk about giving to the needy in secret, praying in secret, and fasting in secret. As a Christ Follower there are some things that are Tweet/Facebook worthy, but need to be kept in secret. As a Christ Follower we should have a private life that God is proud of.