Have you ever felt a Phantom Phone Call?
I keep my cell on vibrate because I don’t want to disturb others.
Sometimes I feel my phone vibrate and I pull out my phone to see…nothing. That my friends is a phantom phone call. It happens to me on a weekly basis. It is the feeling of a vibrating phone letting you know you are getting a call, but in reality it’s nothing at all.
Does this happen to anyone else?
Sadly, yes. This happens to me at least a couple of times per week. I feel a tingling in my hip, whip out my phone, and nada, zip, zilch. What a let down.
I carry my phone in my purse, so no random vibrations here. But I have had a phantom ring happen on my phone before… turned out to be a “restricted” number. The preset ring tone for “restricted” was REALLY creepy though, and freaked me out! So I feel your pain.
I am glad to see that I am not the only one that has experienced this.
yes this happens to me. I also hallucinate the ringing of my phone. sometimes I can blame it on the radio, but not always. Phantom phone calls, ringing or vibrating, make me wonder if in fact, I am loosing my mind. Glad to hear it isn’t just me.
HAHA I think that’s the HIP cancer we all have from the phones! My leg does that too, sometimes even when my phone is out of my pocket! Good call!
only when i want to get out of a conversation and then i will answer it and thank the phantom. lol.
Yes! I keep mine clipped to my belt and have it on ring and vibrate. But sometimes I feel the vibration only to find nobody calling. Spooky!
Hey- just wanted you to know that Matt and I created our own band on Rockband last night and his character's name is Robshep.com and he is a large muscly black male with long white hair, a trucker hat, and lots of white facial hair. You should see him- he's pretty rockin! 🙂
Hey- just wanted you to know that Matt and I created our own band on Rockband last night and his character's name is Robshep.com and he is a large muscly black male with long white hair, a trucker hat, and lots of white facial hair. You should see him- he's pretty rockin! 🙂
I get the ring more than the vibrate, but I get both. Sometimes I don’t even have my phone. I’d like to say it’s the radio, but it happens equally as much when I have the radio off. Sometimes, I call random people when it happens and say I’m returning their call… It’s awesome when you can get them to think they’re the crazy one.
phantom text messages is more like it… blah! so disappointing every time lol…
I have a few phantom calls a month. Nothing major (I just kept it to my self cause I thought I was the only one).