One area where few people are willing to pay the price is in marriage. I tell the students at my church that they should start paying the price now for their future spouse. Even though they don’t know him/her every decision they make now is an investment or a withdrawal into their future relationship. I started praying for my wife long before I knew who she was. It’s hard to invest in something that you can’t see but once you find that person the investment is worth it.

I talk to married couples often who aren’t willing to pay the price. Wives would rather nag their husbands then respect them. Husbands would rather neglect their wives instead of romance them. Marriage is hard work. Both people involved have to be willing to pay a high price. A great marriage involves sacrificing for your spouse. When you invest in your spouse they in return don’t have a hard time investing in you. You can either pay the price and invest in your spouse or pay the price later and invest in a lawyer.