Last Wednesday Waters Edge hosted One: A Student Experience. When it comes to Students we have a very different approach. Instead of a weekly student rally we have Community Groups that meet in homes. We feel like students connect with the Sunday experience. We also want to every students to be known, prayed for, and connected with. That can’t happen in a large group setting. So instead of creating an experience that is similar to Sundays we only offer Community Groups in homes.

One came about because we wanted to create an easy environment for Students to get plugged into Community Groups. At the same time we love creating environments where students can get together to worship God. One is an hour long worship service that leads to time in Community Groups. Back in September we hosted the first One. It was such a HUGE success we decided to bring it back in January. The goal is that One would kick off each semester.

The night started with a clip of Justin Beiber’s “One Time” video. It then went to this clip…

To intro my talk we showed the following video…

This past Wednesday 290 students came together for One. It was a great night!