One is a powerful number. Think about it, if you have six zeroes what do you have? You have nothing, zilch, zero. But if you add a one to the front of those six zeroes you get 1,000,000. Think about all the things that you only get to do once. You only turn 16 once. You only have one first kiss. They say you never forget your first kiss, so I say make sure it’s with someone you love. The goal when a person falls in love is to only get married once. One marriage is one wedding, which leads to one honeymoon, which leads to one happily ever after.

One is so powerful because it’s both simple and complicated. It’s simple because it’s just one.
But it’s complicated because often one is comprised of a lot of different ones. Let me explain. The Beatles were a great band. The band was four individuals who were good at what they did. On their own they were good, but together the four of them formed one band and they were great. Or how about this…your body is comprised of many different parts but they come together to form one body. Separate your body parts and you couldn’t function. If you were just a butt you would stink. But add your butt to your body and hopefully no one thinks you stink. The Bible says that God is three persons and yet one. It also says when a couple gets married they become one. Two individuals become one. One is complicated.

As humans a lot of times our goal becomes to be number one. We want to be the best. Whether it’s sports teams or sales number one is the goal. God created us as individuals but our greatness lies in our ability to be one with others. To love as one. To work as one. To be a bunch of different ones that make up…one. The ultimate goal is to be one. One with God. One with our spouse. One with our team. I’m very thankful that my oneness is made up of a lot of different ones. I am at my greatest when I am working as one with others. When everything comes together it forms one. When everything falls apart it’s a sign that something wasn’t willing to be one.