Do you have a nickname? If so how did you get it? It’s kind of an art to give a good nickname. A lot of people don’t give them. A lot of people don’t have them. Some people get one and it doesn’t stick. But a few people get a good nickname and it sticks.

I’ve given a few nicknames out. There’s D-Reeves, Dominator, Bones, and Uncle Cracker (Do you remember this one Phil Poteat?). Some have stuck and some have been forgotten. I had a friend in college that everyone called Bird. His name was Jason. He got the nickname because someone started calling him J-Bird…as in naked as a J-Bird. It was college…don’t ask.

If you are lacking a nickname you can spend some time creating one at You can type in your name and pick a category to find your nickname. Some of the categories to choose from are Superhero, Gangster, Rap Artist, Pirate, and Pokemon. According to this site my rap nickname is Phantom Enchanter. I don’t know what that means?