The Never Ending Story…a story written by you. Here’s how it works. I’ll start the story and you continue it in the comment section of the blog. It should be fun.
Once upon a time I walked outside to find…
The Never Ending Story…a story written by you. Here’s how it works. I’ll start the story and you continue it in the comment section of the blog. It should be fun.
Once upon a time I walked outside to find…
…buckets of guacamole and sour cream on my door step.
…but I despise guacamole, so I dumped it into the nearby drain and piled the sour cream into…
…a giant tub, where i then continued to bathe in a sour creamy goodness that was surrounding me…
…until I had an idea. I thought to myself, instead of continuing to bathe in the sour cream, I could…
throw it at people who walked by. That was a great idea until…
those people turned into sour cream monsters who began to attack me with their sour cream yuckyness…
and then the Guacamole came up from the drain in the form of super stinky Guacamole Goblins and started fighting the Sour Cream Monsters! Just when it seemed like I might be able to sneak away….
…Megatron came out of nowhere and transformed into not a large weird spaceship, but a normal sized handgun and then…
…ended up in the hands of John Wayne in an unfinished movie from the 1950’s…
…but then thankfully we rejoined our hero fearfully running from the sour cream monsters and guacamole goblins. He enlisted the help of several frat guys in eating their way through the monsters and goblins and thought he would finally be saved, when…
…when all of a sudden the frat guys were overcome by severe stomach cramps…
And then I woke up and it was all a strange dream. At least I thought it was a dream…
…. until Racer X took off his mask, to reveal to Speed Racer that his true identity was in fact….
…Rob Shepherd! Who proceeded to write a blog about…
…gang signs that were cleverly disguised as a complex movie rating system. Unfortunately…
A meteorite smashed into the earth destroying all life on earth.
The END.
BTW my word verification is shilit… I think it’s swearing at me.