There are some people that will complain just because they are negative. The problem with negativity is that it’s a cancer that spreads quickly. I’ve said for years that negativity breeds negativity. If you hear a negative comment it plants a negative thought that often gives birth to more negativity. Unintentionally a negative person can turn the most positive person into a sourpuss.

I believe that negativity comes from issues from within. A person who is at peace with themselves focuses on the positive things in life. When I get negative one of the first things I start to focus on is what’s wrong within me. Why am I jealous, why am I being critical, why are they getting on my nerves? Finding out the answer to why I’m negative helps me change my attitude.

A negative person is that way because of their insecurity, jealousy, lack of fulfilment, and inner turmoil. Everyone visits negativity from time to time but some people live there. Spending time analyzing your own actions will help protect you from an extended stay in negative land.