There are some people that will complain just because they are negative. The problem with negativity is that it’s a cancer that spreads quickly. I’ve said for years that negativity breeds negativity. If you hear a negative comment it plants a negative thought that often gives birth to more negativity. Unintentionally a negative person can turn the most positive person into a sourpuss.
A negative person is that way because of their insecurity, jealousy, lack of fulfilment, and inner turmoil. Everyone visits negativity from time to time but some people live there. Spending time analyzing your own actions will help protect you from an extended stay in negative land.
You're talking about me aren't you? Yes, I know I suck. But if folks like me weren't around, who would you have to point and laugh at? All joking aside, your point is right on. Folks who are negative pull everyone else around them down. But I can assure you that it is not always something easily controlled and it is not necessarily a conscious choice.
Daniel, I know you said you were joking, but I really wasn't talking about you. I never think of you as being negative. I'm talking about the people who complain after a service were we had 200 people become Christ Followers. I'm talking about the people who complain for no reason except to tear others down. You don't ever do that around me.
Too bad there isn't an aerosol that clears the atmosphere of negative comments like Lysol neutralizes bad odors.
Yes!!! Negative people suck the life out of you! We got our bouns at work today, and yes it was a lot less than years past but I mean it is something right?!? One of my co-workers was complaning about the lack of money we got! I mean we didn't have to get anything! Then the bank gave us a gift certif. like they do every year, then again the same co-worker was complaining about that! So I was like " be blessed with what we got cuz we didn't have to get anything…" then they gave me a dirty look! I just wanted her to be blessed but I guess everyone isn't going to be with that negative attitude!
Wow. God has used you to minister to my heart this morning. I have a person in my life who you have given me a lot of clarity about on this most awesome Tuesday afternoon! Thanks so very much Rob! You are a rockstar! =)
M, that's funny. I wish it did exist.
Casey, good for you! Way to be positive.
Lettie, thanks. I too deal with negative people and it's sucking the life out of me. I'm glad that I could in some way help you.
Great reminder…thanks for posting this! 🙂 I really needed to hear this today.