You’ve got to love Google.  Or if you don’t…You’ve got to love Yahoo.  Or if you don’t…You’ve got to love Bing.  The point is that search engines, no matter what the name, are a great thing.  It makes finding things on the Internet oh so easy. Thanks to the various search engines some people have stumbled upon my little blog.  The following are some of the searches that led people to with some comments by me in parenthesis…

  • Stu Hodges Waters Edge Education (What?)
  • Awesomely Bad Movies
  • Swine Flu After Effects
  • List of Things I Love About My Wife
  • Is Chili Soup (I posted on this a couple of years ago and it is still one of the top searches that leads people to
  • Movies For Men Wednesday September 22 (that is a pretty specific search)
  • I Shot My Wife Pics (I’m concerned that someone is searching for this…and for the record when I shot my wife it was with a needle and I was told to do it by our Dr.)
  • Pastor Cussing During Sermon (to my knowledge I’ve never cussed during a sermon and I don’t remember posting about this)
  • Giving It To My Wife Is Her A$% (I’m not even sure what this means, but there are some sick people out there…sick)
  • Top 50 Reasons To Not Have A Dog (I’m pretty proud of this post and it still leads a lot of people to my little blog.)
  • Worst Things That Could Happen On A Camping Trip
  • Should I Make My Maiden Name My Middle Name (this was one of the most heated debates on my blog.)

Thanks to I’m able to track things like what searches led other people to