I’m would not describe myself as a fearful person, but at some reason the week at Student Camp I develop a long list of fears. For example…

  • The showers bring out a lot of fear. I wear shower shoes because I’m afraid my feet will get mad cow disease if I don’t. 
  • I pray to God that I don’t drop the soap. I know that if it drops it will instantly become a loofa of hair and disgust. 
  • There is a standing pile of water on the bathroom floor near the drain. I’m afraid of that H20. 
  • I’m afraid I’m going to lose a Student. I count and recount after every bathroom or meal stop. I also count at the camp before sessions. Parents trust me with their Students and I don’t want to lose one. 
  • I’m deathly afraid of my skin touching the mattress. We stay in a college dorm and I don’t know where that mattress has been. I bring sheets to cover it but it never fails…at least one night I wake up with the sheet off and my skin stuck to the mattress. 
  • I fear the smell that is known as the boys dorms. I don’t know how guys can produce such a wicked stench.  It is literally a punch in the nose when you walk in the door. 
  • Failing down the stairs while I carry my tray of food. Our students sit up in the balcony of the cafeteria. To fall down those stair would not only hurt, it would also be seen by the entire world camp. 
  • Sitting down on the toilet seat in the boys dorm.  Because there are no urinals the boys use the toilets to go number 1 and number 2. It’s amazing how much number 1 ends up everywhere. 
  • Because of that last fear if I ever have to drop a deuce I search the camp for a clean, private bathroom.  This brings out a fear that I’m going to get caught. I found a nice bathroom that was labeled girls/guys basketball locker room. I can’t tell you how embarrassed I’d be if the basketball team walked in while I was taking care of business. 
  • Having the bus run over my luggage. When I was in high school it happened to me. It wasn’t pretty. 
I think taking 107 Students and Leaders is contributes to my stress/fear. In the end it’s totally worth it because Camp is AMAZING! I love it and I’d go back next week if I could.