It’s hard to serve people. It’s easier to pretend to not notice others. This week my wife served someone she barley knew. She scarified time she didn’t have, money she would rather spend on something else, and exhausted herself to serve.

Her serving caught on. She asked for help from one of her co-workers and her daughter to serve this person. Her co-worker and daughter came through in a huge way. She then got a call from one of our friends to go to the pool. Monica loves summer and would have loved more than anything to spend time at the pool. She mentioned to our friend why she couldn’t come to the pool and that friend stepped into action to serve. While that friend was serving in a HUGE way she ran into a mutual friend and that friend then chipped in to help.

The person that was blessed by all this service asked “where do you get this type of friends?” She was blown away that people that don’t know her would serve her. Every day we have the opportunity to love and serve people. Since Jesus isn’t physically present on this earth we get to represent Him. When we serve others and love unselfishly we become Jesus to those we bless.