On my jog last night my iPod was set on shuffle and the Kelly Clarkson song, “My Life Would Suck Without You” came on. Yes I have some Kelly Clarkson on my iPod and no I’m not too prideful to admit it. I like some of her music. I digress.

While listening to the chorus of that song I couldn’t help but think of how my life would literally suck without God.  Now I have a lot of great things in my life. In fact most days I love my life! I feel I live a charmed life, but without God it would suck.

I don’t remember a lot from my Greek classes in Seminary, but I do remember the word “skubala.” Skubala means poop, but it’s more equivalent to the the vulgar term that rhymes with spit. As a kid I heard another kid tell a joke with this word in it…”Shhh it’s around the corner.” Now this isn’t a word that I use. I don’t even feel comfortable writing the joke that makes two words form this word. 

The context of this word comes from Paul’s letter to the Philippians. He wrote, ” What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ.” The word that is translated rubbish is actually a nicer version of this word. The point is that Paul was saying that he considers everything in his life poo compared to knowing Christ. He had accomplished a lot of great things, but they are skubala compared to knowing Jesus. In other words his life would have sucked without God. 

I’m not trying to preach in this blog. I just couldn’t help but write about it. Last night while jogging I was overwhelmed with the blessing of having God in my life. Without him my life would suck…or if you prefer it’d be skubala.