Today is my last day at 30 years of age. I love birthdays! I don’t think I will stop loving my birthday until the day when I can’t control my bowel movement. I’m not afraid to turn 40, 50, 60, or even 70. I just don’t want to fart one day and have to change my shorts because I’m too old to control it. When I can’t feed myself, clean myself, and or make it to the toilet then I will stop celebrating birthdays. Until then I celebrate!
Today as my last day at 30 I’m going to celebrate with a Buffalo Chicken Dip made by friend Bethany Poteat. I’m then going to Chipotle to eat my last meal as a 30 year old. Sounds like a good last day as a 30 year old.
Remember when you were a freshman thinking 4 years until you could rule the world as a senior. Turning 30 is like that–4 decades and you can rule the world again, as a SENIOR. Keep celebrating!
I like your attitude. I will try to remember your words of sage wisdom when I eventually turn 30!
I TOO love birthdays! Glad you enjoyed the Buffalo Dip!
lol. you have sucha way of putting things…hope you have a great birthday tomorrow.
Happy birthday mate!