My brother.

My brother was born today. He is four years younger than I am. People often mistake us for twins.

OK no one ever mistakes us for twins. In fact most people ask if he was adopted, and if we have anything in common?

My brother is one of my favorite people in the world. We may look nothing alike but we have a lot in common. For example…he works in the sewers and I used to love Ninja Turtles who lived in the sewers. He has lots of tattoos and I downloaded the song tattoo by Jordan Sparks (for my wife of course). He is at least 6 ft. tall and before I get done growing I’m going to be 6’3″ (ever since I was in middle school and had dreams of being a basketball player I’ve been praying that God would make me tall. I believe God still works miracles and so I’m waiting on Him.) We both married teachers who work together at the same school. We both love comic book movies, video games, and we both still collect action figures.

My brother is one of the few people who can consistently make me laugh out loud. I praise God that we are not only brothers but we are great friends. Happy Birthday Jon.

PS: my brother in law did a great blog post on Jon’s birthday and the coincidence of his birth date being the most famous verse in the Bible.