My wife, Monica, is gone on a little trip with her family to Philadelphia. She is only gone for a couple of days but I hate it when we are not together. I do fine for the first few hours, but then it gets messy. Here is typically what happens to me while she is gone…
For some reason whenever Monica goes out of town our phone stops ringing. It rings off the hook when she’s here. At first it’s nice, but then it’s a loud reminder that I’m all alone.
I do fine by myself, and I even like some alone time, but after a day of not being with her I breakdown in the silence. I often go down the list and call everyone in my cell phone.
I can’t sleep at night. When she’s gone I normally watch TV on the couch until I fall asleep. I then drag myself to bed at some point…normally around 2 or 3 in the morning. When I do go to bed I never sleep as well. When she is here I fall right asleep most nights. When she’s gone I toss and turn. I also lock the bedroom door when she’s gone. I don’t know why I do this but always do.
I often turn to food to cope with her being gone. One time I made a cookie monster dessert. Homemade jumbo cookie with ice cream and chocolate sauce. It was good while it lasted, but as soon as I was done I felt bad that I ate that much.
I try to pass the time by watching TV or movies that I like, but I know she doesn’t enjoy. One time when she was gone I watched 24 hours of a season of 24. Around hour 15 I tried to stop but I just couldn’t.
I always try to think of things I can do to be productive while she’s gone. For some reason my mind turns to mush whenever she is away and I can’t think of anything to do.
The last couple of times she went out of town I made plans to hang out with other people. It helped curve me eating the loneliness away…and the addiction to TV. It didn’t help my sleep. I know all of this sounds pathetic, but I just love my wife.
Matt Kuchera
on July 9, 2009 at 11:58 am
Rob, looks like we blogged about very very similar feelings.
There is a story about these 2 exotic birds who love each other SO much, they always lived together, they were never EVER separated. Well… they grew to be very OLD. Anyway, the female bird got sick and died. Well within a very short time frame, the male bird plucked out ALL of his own feathers and died. He could not survive without her. All that to say, I know what you mean, I feel like I am lost when Bub is not around. We always joke that we would pluck out all of our feathers without the other. Glad you and Mon have each other.
Monica is a lucky woman! You clearly love her very much and I personally love that about your marriage. You both deeply care for each other and it's not a secret (why would anyone want to keep that a secret anyway?). I'm sure she's going crazy without you too 🙂 Hang tough Rob! (pun intended)
Rob, looks like we blogged about very very similar feelings.
Word Verification of the day:gravence
Definition: like a grievence but more severe.
Signs of a healthy, strong marriage–you will appreciate each other all the more from when Monica returns.
I watched the extended Lord of the Rings trilogy once. That was crazy.
hate it when T goes out of town…or we are not together…life is just not the same. feel for oyu bro!
If you don't have any friends or loved ones, these problems of "missing" others take care of themselves. I am not sure that this is much help to you.
There is a story about these 2 exotic birds who love each other SO much, they always lived together, they were never EVER separated. Well… they grew to be very OLD. Anyway, the female bird got sick and died. Well within a very short time frame, the male bird plucked out ALL of his own feathers and died. He could not survive without her. All that to say, I know what you mean, I feel like I am lost when Bub is not around. We always joke that we would pluck out all of our feathers without the other. Glad you and Mon have each other.
Monica is a lucky woman! You clearly love her very much and I personally love that about your marriage. You both deeply care for each other and it's not a secret (why would anyone want to keep that a secret anyway?). I'm sure she's going crazy without you too 🙂 Hang tough Rob! (pun intended)
My goodness you are soft my boy! Come down under & we'll toughen you up.
What you need is a 3 week missions trip to India … but only with blokes … that will turn you into a real man!
No wonder the USA is going down the drain! Come ON you guys be MEN!!!