My wife, Monica, is gone on a little trip with her family to Philadelphia. She is only gone for a couple of days but I hate it when we are not together. I do fine for the first few hours, but then it gets messy. Here is typically what happens to me while she is gone…

  • For some reason whenever Monica goes out of town our phone stops ringing. It rings off the hook when she’s here. At first it’s nice, but then it’s a loud reminder that I’m all alone.
  • I do fine by myself, and I even like some alone time, but after a day of not being with her I breakdown in the silence. I often go down the list and call everyone in my cell phone.
  • I can’t sleep at night. When she’s gone I normally watch TV on the couch until I fall asleep. I then drag myself to bed at some point…normally around 2 or 3 in the morning. When I do go to bed I never sleep as well. When she is here I fall right asleep most nights. When she’s gone I toss and turn. I also lock the bedroom door when she’s gone. I don’t know why I do this but always do.
  • I often turn to food to cope with her being gone. One time I made a cookie monster dessert. Homemade jumbo cookie with ice cream and chocolate sauce. It was good while it lasted, but as soon as I was done I felt bad that I ate that much.
  • I try to pass the time by watching TV or movies that I like, but I know she doesn’t enjoy. One time when she was gone I watched 24 hours of a season of 24. Around hour 15 I tried to stop but I just couldn’t.
  • I always try to think of things I can do to be productive while she’s gone. For some reason my mind turns to mush whenever she is away and I can’t think of anything to do.

The last couple of times she went out of town I made plans to hang out with other people. It helped curve me eating the loneliness away…and the addiction to TV. It didn’t help my sleep. I know all of this sounds pathetic, but I just love my wife.